Egg tracker

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Moose2, May 21, 2014.

  1. WB = sucks
  2. 71 from HTE with 8 unloads max xtals no pots
  3. Only ebs that help devs make money will drop them
  4. Moose, eggs need to be scrambled NO SUPPORT bro, sorry but this crap ain't needed
  5. What ebs drop these eggs cos I have a small clan but would like to do well on this one
  6. Basically HTE and ROTW is the only way to get ehgs
  7. 69 on HTE
  8. I think we all get that hte drops eggs jeeze!
  9. I Got -100 Eggs For Telling The Devs That The Majority Of The Communitty Is Sick Of These Events :oops:
  10. 60 from rotwb
  11. Egss drop from pay to play ebs the best.

    Go figure
  12. I got 48 eggs with 328 actions on TSG.
  13. 46-51 from TSG
  14. NOBODY CARES!!! This event IS going to suck just like the feather event. Which if I recall they never fixed the issues on equipment from the last event!!
  15. real story,

    Just got 4 goose eggs from my friend to eat, never had goose eggs
  16. Let's dive right in shall we?

    Firstly, if you hate the idea of this event so much, there's a wild and incredible solution. I know it's fairly out there, but it IS a possibility. You could, oh I don't know, not participate or Ignore the eggs? I can guarantee there will be epic battles of any kind no matter what event pays highest so complaining about it as if it's the end of the world.

    Secondly, don't complain about this thread and demand it locked. Is it's very presence causing rashes, swelling of your eyes, and itching in your unmentionables? No? Well then get over it. Don't like the thread, don't read it. This thread serves a valuable purpose for anyone who does want to participate in this event.

    Lastly, chill out with all the negativity. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the events either, but people have worked themselves into such a fervour it's becoming ridiculous. They didn't do this event purely to piss off paying customers, they did it because some people enjoy it despite what others feel.

    Sorry for the off topic post moose but this really frustrates me.