eewar boycott revisited

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IX_THoR_XI, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. I didn't say their out bfe - I'm ok w bfe cuz it's a capped stat
  2. That is true hunter
  3. Bfe and bfa should be included - bfe has a ceiling so it should stay. What I'm saying is that bfa should be capped - only for system wars, uncap it 4 osw and pvp.
  4. Sigh maybe the only way to get the devs to notice how bad things r is to do a boycott.

    Btw I read the devs roadmap and all I see is smokescreen - this is called kingdoms at war and I feel wars are the smallest aspect of this game.
    1) new equips? seriously speaking what's the point of equips if ppl dun war?
    2) new lands and builds? U know how hard it is to do this if u war consistently?
    3) promos? Given the number of bad matches and no matches - it will b b hard to get get upper tier lvls for the promo and I will not do nml 4 a month.

    This game should b called kingdoms at we really dun war that much
  5.  SUPPORT Tiger and AJAXwarrocket. Unbelievable amount of mismatches and even more no matches so early in S3 already!!! There comes a point where you have got to say enough wasted time in gathering 25 willing warriors taking time out in their day to war. Add the time in preparing to war individually and as a clan. Add the money it costs to buy crystals and/or points to war and then for what? No Match? Mismatch? I love EE warring but will SUPPORT BOYCOTT of this type of EE system mismanagement.
  6. Support, still I not get a war in s3 and wars schedule not for asian.I quit s3 ( till devs change wars time ,fair matchup and decrease roster size).
  7. Support. Issues from season 1 remain. Many threads with ideas were put out during season 2 and chaos wars. The changes implemented (larger rosters, loser mith payout) fixed nothing and only exacerbated the situation. That being said, a boycott in the end will be unnecessary as participation will continue to decrease until it's only a select few clans with the select builds used for EE. Closing with the inevitable end of EE if things don't change.
  8. Personally speaking - I wasn't in war 3 but it was a terrible match.

    But the inc # of no matches proves that devs are failing. Clans getting no matches are due to having a lower hit ratio is due to having ghs that have no bfe or bfa (if I'm wrong please let me know - I'm sure there are ppl more knowledgable about this, I would love to hear and learn more).

    I see ppl say - field a better roster or sign up less ghs, it's not as easy as that. Clans are forced to sign up with lower hit ratios because they dun want a bad match with a clan stackin ghs and lbs - personally speaking I'd rather have a no match than waste 2hrs turtling and being sat on. The no matches are not our fault - they are symptomatic of clans adjusting to devs inability to fix EEwars.

    My thinking is that no matches will continue to inc as well as bs matches until devs fix wars.

    Consider eewar boycott. I dun think it will happen till enough ppl get tired of this .

    Tiger out 
  9. What I'm tired of seeing in the wars I did participate in was not the no match but the huge gap in those who get the mismatches. It really demoralises some clans and they don't war again.

    They say to balance the roster for a closer hit ratio, but those who are "mid roster" aren't considered for wars. Most of the time when I see people seeker more members for war all I see is SH/GH/sos1 which to me seems like the devs are promoting anti growth
  10. Support Tiger's post
  11. I really think once devs cap bfa - it will limit lbs influence in wars and make stackin gh less likely.

    Also I'd like to consider reversing gh impact in war.

    Here's my thinking...u have 2 ppl - one a child and the other an adult. If a child were to strike an adult, the child's impact would be negligible. However if an adult were to strike a child - it's impact would be felt. If u haven't noticed, the child is a metaphor for an gh and the adult is a metaphor for big build.

    A gh should not be able to hit bigger builds and make loads of gold - if anything an bigger build should be able to make loads of gold off a bigger build. This would encourage more mids in wars.

    I'm not sure what ppl think but it's a great place to dialogue. Would the devs do this??? Prob not - but I do think WE NEED TO KEEP TALKING BUT CHANGES cuz the devs are doing nothing. A boycott cannot occur unless we know what we want - saying we want changes is a general statement that will not help fix EEwars.
  12. I like the bfa cap idea .... The LB players as great of warriors as they are have huge bfa .... So clans use the gh to balance the roster or even cancel out the lb players .... If you cap the bfa during wars it would level the playing field and make for more fun wars and it will also stop all those clans that are exploiting this flaw .... And we all no who they are ... So I for 1 am all for it and the LB players I know and are good friends with also agree that this would help make wars more fun .... I fully support this and the idea of Bfa capping
  13. Gosh, if you're really upset about it, just quit. Best thing you can do...
  14. I know what you guys want, you want to WIN, if you don't, you will ask devs to change the game so you can win. boycott = "let me win, if you don't I won't play", sounds about right.
  15. Again the best wars I've been in are close wars - win or lose.

    What no one like is a war that there is 0% chance of winning
  16. No Kevin I disagree, I've never seen anyone in forums complaining that they keep losing by 10-15 bil. That just encourages people to try harder. But when I see clans complaining that either get no match or blown out by 80 bil bc they got matched with a roster consisting of 3 LB that no one can hit and a bunch of smalls that pay nothing, I see some merit in their complaints
  17. I'm exaggerating on the 80 bil but you all get my meaning 
  18. Lol devs gettin us to participate in eewar boycott w all these no matches