EE wars guide

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Javaneter, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. bump to AT

    Updated Builds w 3 more ones, stay tuned for more
  2. One thing that's wrong, you don't need plunder to earn mith, pure spies don't always get plunder and in my last war I got 37mith with 0 plunder, other than that top notch!
  3. ^Agreed. Mith rewards are based on successful actions, spells used, potions used and enemy potions burnt as well.
  4. Thank you, both posters above. Added it in.

    What I meant was every (succesful) action makes plunder. A scout makes plunder, and assassinate too, but you don't see it. it is ''silent plunder'' it gets added to your KO (the ko bonus), and will be lost if you dont knock out the individu you are performing the actions on.

    Also I finished the Build-section.

    Hope you will all enjoy, and I might update it anytime soon when EE changes again. Please keep this thread alive as it was meant to (relativily) new players that want to test EE out but dont know where to start. Thank you.

    -Jav out
  5. great thread
  6. And thanks for the edit ^^
  7. Thanks for the info connor, I always aim for the best with the least mistakes ;)
  8. You need war experience to war? Why read a guide when you're experienced at warring?
  9. War knowledge is something different from war expirience. Expirience is what you get from warring itself.
    Knowledge is when you know how its done, but maybe not done by yourself. I ca have knowledge with cooking an egg (boiling 5 min) but never do it. Or expirience, when cooking one every day and not having to have a cooking clock ready.
  10. Was just looking through it, nice thread. Will help lots of EE beginners ;)
  11. As an lb account my recommendation would be to save your money and not nob. Build a gh or sh and join an ee clan where there are at least 10 in roster. Due to mechs you will plunder but bigger older and stronger accounts can't plunder you. Won't really matter who you match the game mechs are on your side.
  12. Unless you face a clan without any mids, only sh/lb. Thatd be interesting though
  13. How did you make that? ^ ;)
  14. I have EE lvl 1still not got any drops, equipment, seals, horns from ebs.
  15. Viva it doesn't guarantee drops, it just boosts the chance with 25%

    Also, OP to be updated soon
  16. By this, should I change one of my alts to PS to war? I'm no dropping to a SH.