Discussion in 'Wars' started by WE_Commando_Huhub_FU, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. The forsaken assassins, I was in the worms roster, and I didn't even use xtals in that war because there was no need for it ;)
  2. Combined Stats: 1,547,488
    Build: Guild Hansel with 1 lvl2 volary
    Towers: None
    Crystal: Yes
    Warred at: S.O.T.R.A Folkvangr
    Pots: 200each war

    Please consider.
  3. Combined stats- 2.2 million
    Build- Hybrid/ Guild Hansel
    Towers- lots
    Crystal- 113
    Warred at-Hksar ice, Flawless victory, SOTRA folkvangr, Nights watch of sentinenetal stand
  4. Please consider me for war 10 and future wars
  5. ╦║║╔╗╔╗║║╔╗╔╗╔╗║╔╗╔╗╔╗@ᏞᎡ
    ║╠╣╠╝║╗║║║║╠╝║║║║║║╣║║Bring 's
  6. Cs- its over 1M, but less than 2M.
    Build- Guild Hansel
    Towers- N/A
    War clans- too many to count. Lol
    xtals- none. Sorry, lol.
    Pots-mostly seal of deflection and rain of fire atm.
  7. Hi guys, looking to do the next war but out of speakers. 
  8. Hlbc tower build plenty mith xtals and pots. Need a clan with winning record. Wall me
  9. CS=5.5mill
    War history=I've warred twice. once with clan a and I don't remember the other clan
    Pots=min 200 every pot
  10. I have 1 ll spy tower and am planning on building more soon
  11. 3.4 mil
    and various clans for EE
    6 xtals
    14 mith every war
    500 of every pot
  12. 1,113,488 cs
    No xtals atm
    Guild Hansel
    29 lv 4 guilds, 1 lv 2 castle, 1 lv 3 circle of elements
  13. Tried to war in your clan. Was turned away :-/
  14. From the Worms?
    They don't except new people, with some rare exceptions.
  15. Accept*
    Autocorrect hates me.
  16. CS:~~1.6
    Build:Hlc guild hansel
    Warred: worms and dragon
    Pots: yes they will not run out
  17. Snow, you forgot to mention your huge BFA :lol:
  18. Contrary to Phoenix's post.

    I am now looking for seasoned estoc players, from timezones in either Asia, North America or Australia/NZ.

    If you are from this area, have 2 xtals, a crap load of attack pots, evidence of your warring and dedication, do follow or wall me.

    If you try and fake your timezone, we will see and we will strip you and kick you. It isn't worth your time.

    So as said before, if you meet criteria wall or follow me.
