Name: kamkamlovespiggy Build: hansel Crystals: max Attack/defense:249,488 Spy attack:3,396,920 Spy defense: 4,120,412 Towers: 3 lv 2 spy towers and 1 lv 3 spy tower Mith: max I have osw experience but as far as ee war goes I've had bad luck, not due to my efforts though. The clans either have inactives or too many inexperienced players. I've been in s.o.t.r.a folk. And warlord hellhounds as my most recent ewar's, warlor hellhounds versus regulators if you want to check. And if you wanted to know I will not Change my name for war reasons.
CS: around 1mil (growing fast) Build: Guild Hansel Towers: none - building to it once I have around 40 buildings Xtals: lots always use 2 in war Warred at: Team_Cold_Cash
5.6 mill cs Hybrid plenty of xtals Attk, spy attk and spy def pots 500-2000 each Able to fully mith No towers most recent wars with spartans of the under world Looking for weekend wars wont be availible for weekdays
2.7 mil cs Attack hybrid some xstals 100 pots each no miths No towers No war experience so I need a clan that can tech me to war
1mil cs Guild hansel 2xstals every war 300 of each pot Warred at spartans of the under world and devilmate academy.
I thought I read at one time on the worms clan page that you were not accepting candidates so don't bother applying? Had several candidates looking for war at the time but they were discouraged by that message.
6,8Mill cs build-atk (growing towers) towers-2 t5 spy def xtals-enough for rancor season mith-plenty pots-i stock up before war lol previous war clans-flawless victory
Cs: 6.1m Experience: blackhand once but know how to war. Xtals: no Build: hansel Towers: 4 t4 spy def towers Pots: 5-10k of all
CS: 1.4 mil build type: guild hansel xtals: Yes of course Towers: none War clan: devilmate academy EE warrior ;D
Before posting this thread I was not apart of the worms, if you read original post it states for all players and clans wishing to recruit or be recruited for war, no where does it state anything regarding worms or their recruitment
I'm considering starting my own war clan, I have plenty of experience doing ee wars on my main. Follow me if interested, especially looking for experienced trackers and generally ppl who live and breathe kaw
Cs. 13,795,155 Build. Atta Towers. 1 t5 spy 1 t5 atta. 2 t2 spy Xtyals. Always Pots. 20k of each Warred at murder war.