@ sugar I started preseason 1 @ -RCA- with all those big lb players yes. For the entire duration of season 1 i was in _RCA_ where we lost many if our first few weeks of matches before we got everyone trained and working as a cohesive group. During season 1 we actually went about 50% win/loss. So you can ease back on the smart asses comments ️
@sugar, "working " the system lol it hardly takes talent or intelligence to load a roster with 15 gh/sh to attempt to pull a weak clan. Add some lb on top and gh that pay crap.. Winning solution for season 3. At least season 1 clans fought clans and actually pounded it out. Season 3 is just a bunch of wanna-be copying a roster that rising hawks thought of. Ppl need to Come up with an original idea before you start throwing out "excellent strategy" comments
I agree. My ee history is season 1.... That's it. I got rancor 50 and was appalled at the top rewards. Then GH infested the rosters and poof. Sometimes I wonder about the longevity of this game. I hope it's fixed soon. I wouldn't mind giving it another go
@ Tmh. Yes and no. Many titles have been used for people to voice their opinions and none have worked. So in my case, there is no harm in trying. I suppose I could have made it "fluffy bunnies holding hands doing EE" @ war valor. Rock on those were wars we had with strength on strength
I was just making an observation....and laughing a little at the irony is all. Sorry for being a "smart ass" and I do agree with your original statement that there is no place for hansels in war, medium builds get the shaft and gh are a crapy fact of life in ee wars.
*cough cough* make more bfa more pay per hit ... Mumble mumble ... called this in season 2 (regarding mid builds)
As a mid sized hansel I have been approached and asked to reduce my build.. Well I did that before and I ain't doing it again .. ATA fix this problem , I cannot war this season as no self respecting clan will touch me
No more of my money being spent on my kingdom. The game I love is a mere shadow of it's former self RIP Kaw These days the only war system that hasn't been interfered with and still works because of it is OSW. PVP is the way forward
Support, I've seen so many friends of mine, my size, drop their builds to GH/SH, it's sad, we're supposed to want to grow, that's game basics 101, give incentive to grow and get bigger, not incentive to go backwards
For those complaining at the clans exploiting the S/H and G/H exploit, why not take matters into your hands? You can either wait and as we y'all wait, ***** and moan about the devs ineffective actions, or take matters into your hands. Tired of clans using the guild hansel and stronghold hansel exploit, then declare a true war one them. -If a threat of a strip osw was there for clans who abuse ee was legitimately out there, it may make many clans think twice of stacking their ee roster. Just a thought.
Full Support! Something has got to be done... And don't even get me going on those PoS little things (SH) that try and call themselves an account :lol:
@ op. i know the feel bro. I was a hansel all season 2 and converted to attack. Expensive but worth it. But i must sat. Ill always love the spy build and looking at your build all i can say is