EE wars can kiss my ass

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Have to agree with Death

    Season 3 is a joke
  2. @ imitation-cheese: I'm talking about GH. Its still there. The only difference is that is not GH anymore but SH. But the issue is the same.
  3. I found this to be an entertaining read :lol:
  4. It's similar, but not the same.

    That's the thing about engineering challenges. Similar but different problems require different solutions.

    And the "SH problem" didn't even exist till this season.

    It's kind of like hackers versus anti-virus software. Hackers create exploits first, then the anti-virus engineers go back and create a fix for the virus, but they can't fix it until after they find the virus.

    Make sense?
  5. @Cheese... GH was nerfed before Chaos Wars (pre-season trials). GHs went SHs right away. Basically nothing has changed. Before the nerf the options was: go LB or go GH. The GH nerf changed your options to: go LB or go SH. Trials lasted for around 2 months. Yet devs failed to realize that GH nerf didn't fixed anything. Ok...let's say 2 months was not enough for them to fix it. I can accept this. But if its like this why was such a hury to start Season 3? They could postponed until they fix the issue.
    You said you are an enginner. If during the test of your product you get several reports about malfuntions of your product what are you doing? Are you still releasing to the public? Aren't you delaying the release day until your product will be viable? Because this is what devs did: ignored the reports during tests (Chaos wars) and they launched a flawed product.
  6. I've seen an idea that seems the best (easy/simple/effective) solution to the GH/SH issue. I think -__polaris__- may have come up with it first but not sure.

    Have a requirement that when you sign up for the war, the smallest on your roster must be able to hit the biggest and the biggest must be able to hit the smallest. Not successfully of course, I'm talking about not getting DTW or DTS messages.

    As a result, you could war with GH/SH....but not leaderboard or huge guys on your roster. Or, conversely you could war with huge guys....but no dinky folks. It would tighten hit ranges of clans as a whole without having to actually adjust the hit ranges of the game/builds.
  7. With you all the way DD.

    But as for kissing your lily white ass...
  8. Just saw your post DD while catching up on your thread. You know I love ya too and now we can be friends again  
  9. AG. We stopped being friends ? 
  10. Lol obe. Was I a bit melodramatic ?? 
  11. If you don't like it then don't war, we don't want to here you complaining.
  12. I'm sure there were a number of reasons they started season 3 when they did. They probably have long term content releases planned out for (at least) the next 1 - 2 years. Missing a content release deadline could potentially throw off their entire plan.

    I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to release a season while still working on fixing mechanics exploits at the same time, which they have said they are doing.

    Yes, I'm an engineer. Every product has "problems." Every. Single. One.

    The questions we must ask ourselves when deciding how/if the problems should be addressed are these:

    • How much time, money, and effort do we want to expend to fix this problem?
    • What are the potential risks associated with letting this issue go unresolved? Is it worth it?
    • What is the worst possible harm that could come to a person should this problem not be fixed? Is this risk acceptable?
    • Etc...

    You see, engineering is all a game of balancing options. Here's a practical example for you.

    Many people own cars. Automotive engineers have to take into account what their customers' needs are. Most car owners probably want a car that:

    • Gets good gas mileage
    • Will not explode when you drive it
    • Is easy to get in and out of
    • Will fit into parking spaces
    • Doesn't cost an arm and a leg
    • Etc...

    Once we have the customer's demands, we have to take a look at each one and then look at them all together as a package and decide how to deliver the best product we can that meets each need as closely as possible.

    So in the case of the car, we could build a SUPER safe car that you'll never get hurt in a car accident with by making the entire car made of 3-inch thick titanium. That would fit the safety requirement perfectly. But doing so would destroy the other requirements. Titanium is orders of magnitude more expensive than aluminum or steel. So the car would not be affordable to most people. Also, titanium is ridiculously heavy! And the heavier a car is, the worse gas mileage it gets.

    In sum, I can guarantee you that the GH/SH exploit is the result of a compromise that the devs made at some point. And the amount of time/resources they're committing to address the issue is a calculated decision based on the net impact the issue has on the community as a whole. And even if they think they have a solution and get started working on it, they may realize halfway down the road that there is a critical flaw in the design that make all their work up to that point useless, and they have to go back to the drawing board and start all over again from scratch.

    So cut them some slack. The problem will be fixed. Just don't expect it to be fixed any time soon.
  13. Lol of course not DD  you know my sense of humor  friends always 

    By the way, I asked on one thread where KaW admin was posting how is it that someone less than 8% my size was able to even hit me. Not to mention attack me successfully. I never did get an answer, but it speaks to the issues so many put forward on forum threads weekly.
  14. Though, op, I can understand your distaste for EE season 3 as well as respect the fact that you gave a good idea in your op on what may fix these wars.

    I doubt telling the devs to kiss your ass will have them pay attention to your post. On that, I can understand your decision to no longer spend money.

    Hopefully the devs fix current issues, till then, there is alway ebs and OSPvP.
  16. @ rusted. I understand that. I do participate in all types of pvp and wars. Ever hear of world chat roulette?

    As far as EE goes..... I am a paying customer of this game. It is my right as that consumer to complain about an aspect of this game.

    If you went to mcdonalds to order your happy meal with a Disney toy and did not get the toy what would you do?

    I am sure your happy meal eating ass would march into that establishment and get your toy. Hell, I bet you would even get a second one because u whined so hard 