EE wars can kiss my ass

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Seeing stuff like this is why I don't even wanna give EE a shot. Too many horror stories.

    Hope this is fixed soon.

    Nice rant, OP 
  2. @ secret and spartan. Very well put. My feelings exactly but just too frustrated to get it all out.

    Tip 2. Everyone is building their rosters in a certain way. Why not dictate how many of each build can fill a roster. Just An idea. No need to hate on it. I know it sounds a little Gestapo like
  3. Ty cheese. I appreciate the support
  4. Bravo DD, very well said. As ur fellow clansman and hansel u can kiss my ass too devs. I have also spent thousands on this game building and changing build to adapt to war system. I love to war, but until u wake up devs and fix the GH/SH thing no more $$$. Must be nice to piss off so many ppl that have made u rich devs. Sur hope u have socked always some of those profits lol.
  5. S U P P O R T!!

  6. @SecretLaw,
    It's not because I'm a "mid" hell, I'm over 16m cs hansel, top 600 Ally LB and almost 400m bfe. Purely the fact I'm a hansel and however big I grow similar size hybrids will walk over me for plunder means my build is not especially useful in 1hr plunder fest wars. It's pure and simple fact, one that I have regrettably come to realise.
    Win or lose I enjoy these wars, they bring an exciting PvP element into KaW that I wouldn't have time for otherwise, but if my build isn't useful, I'd prefer to have one that is. Especially since I work on the devs timetable of wars so the longer wars (that most suite hansels) aren't my best times.

    Anyway. I may or may not change. Still undecided 
  7. I will add this, though:

    I don't think it's fair to blame the devs. As an engineer, I can tell you that it's impossible to foresee all the possible exploitations of a particular system. We do our best to brainstorm and test our products before we release them to the public, but nothing is perfect.

    And after seeing what happened with the whole Robin Hood thing, I think it's pretty clear that the devs do care about us and wanna hear what we have to say and apply our feedback to improve the game the way we want.

    Problem with that is that from the consumer perspective, it looks like the devs are dragging their feet on something, when in reality, they're actually working hard on it.

    I don't think enough people are aware of how much work goes into engineering this type of app, especially given all the variables involved that they have to account for any time they make a change to the mechanics.

    I'd say wait it out. Let the devs know what you want and then sit back and let them work it out. Don't be surprised if it takes months to roll this stuff out. Even with as much money as ATA has, you can't force an engineering project - you have to work through them one step at a time. It's too bad that more people don't realize this, but hey, that's the world we live in.

    DK why that's filtered. Ban me, I guess. :roll:
  9. Support I ******* hate Shadow hansels, stupid build and extremely gay ass name.
  10. Also sorry for double post, but with number of threads on how bad this season is, it's impossible that the devs haven't seen at least one. It's plain ignorance for them to not even mention it. But when two guys exploit it to get 3 free Mith and an EE level (without using an xtal shock horror) there on it like flies round . I'm refering to the guys with the 38 statless alt war btw haha.
  11. @ imitation-cheese: i don't blame devs for not being able to predict all issues might occur. Can happen. But I blame them for their passivity. This issue is not new. The community was letting them know about this starting Season 1. After 1 year things are even worse. Nothing was fixed... I'm sorry but i really can't find any excuses for them.
  12. What problems existed in season 1 that you feel remain unresolved?
  13. Re: EE wars can kiss my ***

    I support you 1753% DD, long time friend and comrade, I'm not even buying xtal because ee is a joke and designed to help only certain clans win, but I think they lost the most mhuuhahahahahaha. War with you anytime bud.