EE wars can kiss my ass

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 5, 2014.

  1.  Support DD
    Eloquent as always
  2. I am not a seasoned warrior but i have had a taste of ee wars thanks to AoC (Articals of Confederacey) and chaos wars thanks to WKK (my clan White-Knights-Kingdom). I am working on my war build and i am exited to join in the war. I am now hearing though insted of 2.5 mill sdt its 3 mill. Also people are looking for small cs builds. I am not gonna lie being able to join thies wars looks like ill a no go.
  3. Articals if confederation
  4. At rah. Building towers is a must. I applaud u for building and growing.
  5.  Since they're at it, they can kiss my ass too 

    I limited my spending on here years ago, welcome to the party DD  Support, but it won't get you any where man
  6. Support, S2 went to crap when the whörefrost lands were introduced right in the middle of the season, that created a flood gate affect as all hlbc players tossed their allies, gold bars and juxtaposition'd themselves and distanced the spread. That introduction has led to a terrible, terrible S3. Get your crap together, test it and then roll it out in beta and tweak it some more because just like DD and everyone else I may not come back here anymore.
  7. Havent spent money in weeks already *SUPPORT*
  8. Support here as well 
  9. Yup s3 is sucking bad.....
  10. I am amongst those sick of hearing "drop build or build trillions in towers for an occasional spot". (In the meantime sh's get virtually any spot they desire as many as they desire)

    Besides the insanity of telling ppl that the build they just spent months on (or far longer if unable to kawaddict active and/or xstalling) is an eb fairy trash build (like mine ) and has to be tore down to sh or completely rebuilt (impossible for 99% of players), for me the biggest issue is....
  11. ....THEY TOLD US 2 MONTHS AGO THEY WANTED IS TO GROOOOOOW!!!! Yes, we were all there. All the atk builds cheering for that greatest of EE events, the gh 'nerf'.

    I ask you, how can they tell us to Grow, filling the mids ranks by hundred, perhaps thousands of new mid sized accounts and yet before season 3 even begins we find that those that want to EE had to tear down those brand new multi trillion gold builds to go sh to be able to war (it's a fact, I'm pretty sure we all have a friend that had to do it. It hurt me just to watch them do it! )
  12. DD, Ryan, and all the others reading this...I beg you, Do Not Comply! Stay mids. Grow as you desire.

    Right now EE is dying. And personally I find it to be a shame. But it is. As long as mids continue to be pissed and  on by the current set up you continue exclude your largest customer base devs.

    As long as mids continue to be excluded then you can expect continued declines in participation over the season(s)...
  13. Oh, and What happens to be the biggest issue this season? Did I hear someone scream at the top of their lungs in angry frustration the words "no match"?!? (Oh sorry, that was me ).

    Rather than defend the elitism that is continuing to build due to the current failed algorithms would it not be wiser to attempt some of the potentially easy solutions? Lord knows there's been so many excellent ones offered (For Free! Again, customers offering to Help you take their money!)!
  14. @TheSpartan im not calling people who drop their builds idiots, im calling those people who think that all pf kaw should drop to sh if they are not an lb attack build idiots, rather than fix the system their answer is to just suck it up and drop builds down. Any system where 10m cs people are pidgeon holed into dropping to 2m cs just to be able to war is a broken system, anyone who defends that system are the idiots. People who voluntarily dropped their builds i have no problem with, its the ones who feel the system shouldnt change that are clueless... 90% of kaw is out there waiting for a system where they can war, have fun win or lose, and most importantly SPEND MONEY.
  15. So perhaps listening to DD, Ryan, and the thousands of others would help fix that currently Disgusting nm issue by....having more participants. More participation equals more potential matches to be made.
  16. Enough of my rambling.
    Back to your scheduled forum track...
  17. SUPPORT 