EE wars can kiss my ass

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Post a review in the App Store. Obviously, the endless forum posts are not effective. It is worth a shot.
  2. @ kaw admin... I do believe OP requested a lock on this thread a few pages back.
  3. @kaball

    Sorry mate, but I don't recall ever asking anyone on this thread to "show me some love" perhaps you are mistaking me for someone else.

    Sorry if you thought the "screw you" was over the top. I thought it was an appropriate response for an OP that is asking people to "kiss his ass".

    As for his incoming, it's all in good Kaw fun. After three years it takes more than some hansel incoming to rattle me. I returned all I received. ️
  4. Well frog.. Not to put too fine a point on it, but maybe you need to read the title again. Maybe put some glasses on? Idk.. But it clearly states, and I quote..."EE Wars can kiss my ass". yea, that's asking people to kiss his ass alright.. So yea, the screw you comment was over the top. And I'm sure I'm not the only one to think that either.

    As for asking for people to show you some love? Yea, ya did. Just not in so many words.

    I do wish ya all the luck. It appears ya might need it. ️
  5. @kaball

    Thanks for the luck, but I'll be fine. Slept like a baby ️
  6. I'm sure they would if EE could reach your ass. ️
  7. Support fully. The matches this season are ridiculous.I feel they put our clans in a pile and just draw two names. If there were any human input into the matching system they would look at our last few match ups and go "hmmm, this IS a little like throwing a mouse in a lions cage." We are ranked in the 2000's and ROUTINELY matched with 100 and better. I will not waste another dime until this is addressed!
  8. What is EE? Is it like rp for all the gh and sh? Help I a noob... At least that what they say.....
  9. I really did enjoy season 1 and the pre season for season 2, I missed the actual season because of work so can't comment on that one but I have to say I am truly disappointed on season 3, devs handing out no matches like candy with no explanation and absolutely no place for a hansel like me on them.

    EE wars brought me back to game as out of boredom I had gone into retirement, now I just feel cheated, I spent so much money on this game to be ready for those wars, and what I get in return? A kick in ass.

    Thanks devs really appreciated, guess is playing eb fairy and collect banner crap to keep me entertained.
  10. I agree with ops comments to a degree, but ee has changed so you need adt sdt etc, everything evolves!
    It doesn't take that long to build an account up and strip it back either, I know I do it regular! On the other hand I always cast bigs, smalls, mids, attacks, hybrids and hansels in my rosters as do other wcs @ -wtf-!
    Don't believe have a look! Sometimes it goes for you other times against you! If there were more loyalty in kaw then you'd see a better uptake and more matches! More matches equals more data which in turn leads to better match ups!
    We've had some right tight wars this season, and been obliterated a few times as well! S1 was good because it promoted loyalty, (you lost your rancour if you left clan), now all everyone does is jump on the winning clans bandwagon! Instead of sticking and growing as a unit and learning how to war the different builds!
  11. 100 vs 100 is best imo..
    Royal rumble
  12. Complaining won't get you anywhere. Just saying
  13. season 3 is a screw up season. I had from the 40 wars 30 no match :( way to go devs, thanx for spending money on tvp :/
  14. I see the "official" post is now locked... nice.

    So, we spend hours getting a roster ready, getting everyone cast and organized. Then we get another NM. (3/4 in a row this time, no telling how many total). We are told to look at clans 5 above and below to roster like them. So now we are to spend the days required to go through their rosters, calculate CS. Then go through equipment to calculate BFE, then to go through the allies that are visible and calculate BFA. And do this every war. Um. No. We are not the ones paid to do this. We PAY to do this.
  15. Well I'm officially done with EE. This match puts us against DS and they have 3 LB to our zero. They are 10 spots higher on the war thread. I'm gonna milk my rancor 5 until the end of the season. I'm sure most dgas but Im out 

    These wars used to be fun and really the only reason I play. It's obvious that the Devs are okay with builds like mine fading away.
  16. 100 vs 100, mixed builds and the winner is determined by who's the most active and use their builds the most wisely.

    In my honest opinion, the old war system was better then the new
  17. Support, wars r brutal with those small builds. If I do find someone who will let me war I can hit 2 accts. Fix this devs or kaw will start losing players