EE War types to serve ALL ppl

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Gnat or Flea simply a small reference to cs
  2. Smalls r builds that anyone deems small for EE.

    Eg say 8m cs or to speculation
  3. As for AllMidsWar u can run with that one lol
  4. 
    The overall intent of this EE War thread is to offer an option for any n all builds to WAR

    The options might encourage more fluid wars n bring back warring to its pinnacle a la the good ol days. Thus enhancing the KaW experience.
  5. Support.
  6. Yay or nay 
  7. Change Indy Wars name to Chaos Wars

    Clan Wars to Mayhem Wars

    Gnat wars to aah heck it keep it Gnat Wars
  8. Another system for people to use a system to fight? We have to many of those Not interested in more ways for you to be " ee warriors" Learn to fight without the system you fairies
  9. why would hansels willingly give up there ability to pin. there would be more complains from that majority then the minority that hate them. no support
  10. Don't listen to troll he sucks ️
  11. Gnat Wars changed to LILLIPUTIAN Wars

    I'll put u down for that okie
  12. How do u figure hansels lose ability to pin?
  13. As it sits now Hansels r not used in abundance for war rosters. At most 2-3 PS. If u advocate sh exploit then they pin u all day n twice on Sundays.
  14. pin att builds. what im trying to say is not many hansels would want to paricipate in gnat wars
  15. other then that everything is fine. from my perception.
  16. SH would luv Gnat wars n plunder n pin small att builds
  17. The butthurt is strong in this one I sense.
  18. 

    Sunday war name can be: Nukes n Dukes

    Added to this war can be longer war times possibly between 2-4hrs duration

    Feel free to enhance further additions

  19. i hope they dont nerf sh eb plunder. then my banks are gone