EE War types to serve ALL ppl

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Sh will just use another build to manipulate the system. The same way they swapped guilds for lvl 1 sos.

    As long as smalls can sign up with bigs there will always be a problem.

    In real mmorpgs that have actual levels, you never see people at lvl cap entering raids with 5 monster accounts and 20 babies.
  2. What type of build would they use becoming ps is their next way
  3. @Subtle

    Suggest ur ideas to implement how option 2) can be done.
    Eg min cs or min towers etc
  4. Can base it off of cs or towers set the cs at 10 mcs+ and sh will have to convert
  5. Okie that pretty much is why option 3) exists
  6. No Support cause when I skimed the thread saw A noob ASW. ASW is only for top 10k and grow and get there. Didn't even read what other info was other than that.
  7. Why I don't support this one EE war is good for spy builds and attack builds but most want a spy build for EE war and this idea would miss it up
  8. Was AllSmallsWar for ppl left out. Intent is to satisfy them n not exclude them. Generates more interest for Noobs to war n learn for future clan wars etc
  9. @Princess

    Devs posted new rate of spies used for assassins. Look it up thx
  10. Where can I find it what topic
  11. Forums > Active Topic > here > back up

    Then u will see it Princess
  12. I would be upset over you calling me an INTENTIONAL underachiever but I'm much too indifferent.
  13. Lol...poor attempt at talking smack to SH
  14. Whats a gnat war? And you call sh/towered attack true war builds? Go osw son
  15. Lol allsmallwars, what do you consider "small"
  16. wouldn't there have to be an allmidswar
  17. @ Omar

    Reference to EE, OSW a whole other beast