You at least won. I put 44 mith into a war. We lost. I would have gotten it back from tvd. We failed tvd.
The moron thatsmyfootinyourass is a pathetic joke. Always popping up with some nooby comment about nothing. I hate him. I wish he was gone.
Ameila at first I thought you were a statless noob just talking **** but that looks like it could be your main
@ kozmo. So what if this is my main kingdom. Yours is pretty small and crappy also actually, if that's what all those silly emoji's are implying
A war game where troops basically are no match for spies. Devs have failed and have known for sometime that the power of spies was too high. . Spies were never meant to be such a huge part of the game surely.
Koz don't waste your time ... -Amelia- s main is -gerty- formally known as -Alison- who hit EBs hard got some new equip and dropped her build down to a guild hansel and she is just mad about me calling her out in the forums a few months back - sry for derailing thread
I'm not mad. I don't know who you are. I just see you pop up with your fool comments a lot, and I wonder. Who is this person? Who is this nooby nobody. Why are they even here? They should go
As for just hitting ebs hard? You have less than 6000 battle losses. -Gerty- has 43000. You the only one hitting ebs hard nitwit
Seems like i went 8-20 early on and then the clan fell apart, and then noone would let me join for war. It happens lol
Why does everyone hate on RH? There were probably 10+ guild hansel +sdt clans out there. To keep on topic with this thread i went 0-2 then realized I suck.