Good Rdc!! Waiting for you to comeback. Tell queen I said hello! She save us lol. Rdc what do they mean by "illegal"?
@Lady - I'm all for tactics. I do personally think devs should stop upgrades after matchups are made. If this was changed I think it would make the wars much more even.
The upgrades really aren't an issue. First look at how many clans do that. Then look at how many times they do that a week. Then look at how many players do that. Then look at the total bonus it cause. My guess it very little
These are not exploits but simply good game strategy and tactics. @DEVS-if you don't like that KaW players exploit these "glitches" then FIX THEM!! If you were a smart enough player to figure it out initially you should be allowed to use it and can proudly say my clan had some of the original pioneers of these supposed "exploit" ideas...
It is the devs responsibility to make changes, not the players. We had no choice but to upgrade after matchups b/c everyone else did. Now I do hate little suicide land trick alts. Good riddance to them. They offered nothing positive to wars. I still think they need to disable ally sales if in wars. It's just 5 hours. You can't be stripped anyway since no outside hits and it really doesn't help the other team anyway.
Well you have want you want on the upgrades... Which was never really a factor feel free to tell yourself other wise
I don't think upgrades make much of a difference you have to remember there is 5 wars per week 7 days in one week. Everyone can't possibly afford to upgrade before every war so can't see a clan using this as a tactic. Maybe one or two members might save money but like I said does lvl 2 t5 make much of a difference from lvl 1? Lol
Maybe there is problems in the code when they change it? Back in 09 you could destory a building and build a building and get all fresh troops. Maybe some bug came up when they were changing it and thats why its how it is now.
Lets see..... You upgrade a Volary L2 to L3 after match up. You make 40k more gold per hit doing Haunting, your stats go up 120k You cause 4 more damage when assassinating in Haunting. Right.... How much more hurt do you do to nubs on the other side <<< negligible Better yes. Unequip, wait for match up. Then re-equip. I love the buy back your allies. You buy a 340b Hansel or Spy ally with 6-8m CS, your Bonus From Allies (BFA) is 0.02 of CS, so you get 120-160k added to your base stats. Right..... What? How much more damage to you do to your opponents. >>> Negligible.
Fix land trick then? Seems pretty stupid to have it be labeled as an exploit, yet you don't fix it... Just put a "do not touch" sign on it...
I believe what the devs are calling illegal accounts are those that are hacked to change stat levels. For an example, I could hack my account and make myself look like a Hansel account when I am an attack build, making people fail on assasinations on me thinking I am weak on spies. I have seen multiple cases of this. You can tell by how many units you assasinate from them.
Don't forget un-equipment of equipment before war match up , then re- equip after match up. This forces rank down and you get an easier opponent.
Can anyone confirm this unequip strategy? Is this for real or just KaW lore? I still remember the endless requests to not start EBs till drops in cc until devs finally said it doesn't matter.