EE tracking old school

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xx_H-I-D-U-D-E_xX, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. I love your banner cola. Tracker . Looks like u are a pro at tracking with all your great eq. It's trolls like you that make people not want to help others learn the game better.
  2. It's because I track. And since I track, I don't have all the equip I need. Everyone knows trackers don't war... Get some knowledge Rudementary. Obviously you don't know how to track otherwise you'd know that ;)
  3. Are you really that dense Rudementary? Lol
  4. I guess we are noobs then b/c our tracker does war. He's obviously not your caliber though. You seem top notch . Respect . Nothing that gets u more respect in KaW than derailing threads of peeps trying to help others. Hope Val's gh clan shows u some love :)
  5. Yea and your lucky your too big for me... I'm not derailing anything, just saying that it's pointless to have a thread on an issue that should be kept within the confines of the clan.
  6. Cola your a ******* idiot. Your lucky your too small for US. Not the other way round.

    Your out of look that I have, plenty, of alts.
  7. Lol because someone has an opposing view, that makes them a target? Haha funny. I like how new world politics makes it's way into a GAME!
  8. Uh. A good tracker... Wars and tracks as well as kicks ass cola...
  9. Fact of the matter, this is a pointless thread as described in my earlier posts. :) If you don't know how to track, get your clan owner to teach you. Not some stupid thread regarding someone's "aspect" of tracking. That is all.
  10. Btw, drop YOUR build and get me... Don't have an alt come. That shows how weak you are. Drop build and hit me with your main. If you think you have the balls to do so ;)
  11. Ohhh this guy. He is funny.
  12. ;) glad I could bring some amusement to you 
  13. Nice cola you must be a good tracker.

    Did you track W A R Z O N E Vs THE FINAL WAR? Cuz it was 5 HLBC on 1 and you still lost. You must've been tracking HARD
  14. Lulz cola just got smacked like the nub he is.
    - 
  15. Actually, that was a good match, however I did not track that war. We only lost by 800m, which isn't bad considering some didn't xtal. But not to justify you in any way lol
  16. Coming from the person who believes he smacked him.
  17.  right on headhunter
  18. Op just got owned like the little nub he is. 

    I got you cola ;)
  19. Wow bring an account out worth hitting.
  20. How about my main?