EE Tactics?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIl-SlyTheRaccoon-llIlIIl, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. The EE clan would be like

    And the osw clan would be like
  2. Thanks op for calling me a nub :roll:
  3. some already war with large amounts out, it makes no difference in ee war, so stripping is stupid, only a minor distraction.

    would help if you had an idea how it worked before devising plans that are mute
  4. Before the war, your clan assess the other clan. Then you want to have a couple targets (1-2) That you mainly hit at the beginning.

    Your war starts and you hit on those few targets, when the KO's start appearing often is when someone called a tracker calls out targets for everyone to hit. The hope is to get the everyone on the roster in a KO, and when they pop out of the KO, they are immediately pushed back into the Knockout So Pretty Much they can't get hits on you. The Tracker Tracks when someone is Knockedout and they wait 2 minutes before they pop up and say their Clan Ranking Number so They know who to hit.

    It's actually VERY simple. If everyone in a clan got into a Voice Chat and made actual tactics and plans then it would be very interesting to watch.

    MLK? Major League KaWing? :shock: or :shocked:
  5. Sko it's not a tactic it's a life decision!
  6. @Avenging angel. Umm which clans/players ee war with large amounts of gold out?