EE season 2 will be impossible for new players 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TAN-BIKER-GRA, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Very interesting concepts.
  2. Yes this is a good thread
  3. I didn't read every page but I haven't seen anyone bring up the face that both RP and especially VP equip is very strong in attk/spy attk, but relatively weak in def/spy def.

    Given how important defence is in EE wars, is the VP equip really all that and a bag of chips, or might some of the EB equip with better def stats be worthwhile after all?
  4. Some EB equip is very good. Ie/ cloak, breastplate
  5. @jezza, but if the VP equip has big attack, it will be more than the defense of the EB equip
  6. With 80m BFE any build could attack and beat most any other build when they come out of pin. That's the reality of these very powerful attack equipments.

    Regarding matches for season 2, I like the idea of overall stats from BFE and bfa combined. (ie. I have 130m bonus attack from BFE and 60m attack from bfa) the two combined is 190m... That's what devs need to factor.... BUT, it should be like a handicap. So basically take 80% of bigs combined BFE/BFA to be factored.. Or something! We want lb players to war and be wanted in wars, same with good equip... And they should be a benefit to clan, not detriment .

    I warred with worms, and we had to turn away a few huge lb players because they would ruin our matchups. It would have been great to have them and learn from their experiences.

    There is hope that the devs can get matching worked out properly. And to be fair... A lot of wars that could have been close this past season ended up as blowouts. This was due to the fact that one clan would realize they weren't going to win half way through or earlier, so they didn't use xstals and gave up. We all experienced it.
  7. This isn't really vrey true if you have all the eb equip you are strong enough to war and kill everyone I have almost no mith gear and I do really well in war you just need to do lots of drop hunting now get to it
  8. If bfe is really that much of a problem then may I suggest to put a few weeks of estoc trials before season 2 starts where bfe will be ignored during those few weeks of war so player who are new to estoc wars will have a chance to earn mithril and buy equips to increase their bfe to better prepare themselves for when the actual season starts.