EE season 2 will be impossible for new players 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TAN-BIKER-GRA, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. its not that much different from those with all the red fullyvenchanted, your dedicated war clans have most members with all the mith eq. This new released eq. Not even a drop in the bucket in the realm of things
  2. Hmmm... I think some of you missed my point of the thread... But in regards to some of your points:

    -first, EB equip can be good IF fully enchanted, true, but stool fails in comparison to RP equips BASE stats, and it would take a long time/fails to get the aqua and inferno needed.

    -second, it is a good point that the devs will factor in BFE ( which obviously I am against), but it would help matchmaking.

    -third, to those that say good strategy can overcome good equipment, your wrong, and you'll never get a chance to prove yourself right because the clans with good equip are the clans with good strategy. Unless you crappy equipment guys want to get together and form a clan to prove that strategy overcomes equip... Be my guest!

    My OP was simply pointing out that season 2 has high chance of frustration for people.

    -thanks for reading fellow kawers,l and I don't mind the disagrees 
  3. Well said Freefly and John. Hard work and dedication got us where we are and that is what will get the rest of you where you want to be. We all started at the bottom. Look at my build. Im not that big. (Slight addiction to osw stunts the growth). But look at my history in wars. Lots of successful actions and tons of mith reward every time I war. My place in my clan is different then large atk builds but I am just as important. When you get into waring you find there is an important role for each member. Im not only thinking about whats best for me but whats best for my clan. That is the attitude you need to have. Selfish whining will get you nowhere. :)
  4. We won't be looking at people with bfe stats. We will be checking on tower stats tho. As this more important.
    The devs will be taking bfe into account when they doing match ups so either way if your clan has no rancor equip you will get matched with clan with none as well
  5. I think if the devs account for overall strength of a build instead of separating into just bfa cs and number of players ...
    By this I mean take a builds total strengths and add it together cs , bfa, and bfe

    then add all the participants together and keep it within 1-2 players that will make up for any lack OR over sized bfe and/or bfa solving alot of the current issues and ones we will face in the future
  6. For EE it's suppose to be about having a fair match up strength wise and seeing who's better at team work and strategy and edge u gain from bfe/bfa is not suppose to make u uneven durning the EE matches just in the rest of ur kaw play ie osw pvp and ebs
  7. Yea. They should factor in bfe. That would fix things.
  8. If someone with a low bfe was matched to someone with a high bfe then the player with the high bfe would have lower cs or bfa making both accounts even

    This would also allow for a wider range of matches and more fair ones since both players have the same total strength
  9. Very valid point and those who think BFE will balance in matchmaking are missing the obvious.
    Clans will have to be matched very closely. As such this means that if one of 2-3 clans doesn't war on a given day that they will get a no match.
    Those who do match. Up will frequently get the same opponents as their is more criteria too match up less chance of different opponents.
    If one of those clans keeps winning and gets basically mith wars and enchant their equip they stand the chance of putting themselves in a no match position from over the top BFE.

    As for eb equipment. With the scarcity of aqua maxed eb equipment is rare and will not balance the difference. It's far better to chase red equip.
    What it will need is far more new player clans that are prepared to take in players and give them a shot
    Or even dev run clans for those who cannot get accepted into a war clan otherwise many will have 0 chance for any success

    My prediction is that the same players that got 50 this time will most likely do so again excluding all the other players the same as happened this time.
    Don't know the right people in the right clan you have no chance
    So get planning your new war clans now
  10. you can unequip to skip around the bfe in matchups. dont seem like the way to go to me. could still find matchups u want lol
  11. Only if devs lock equipment at matching could this work ...

    But another thought about matching is if ur clan sees alot of no matching u could simply change ur overall strength by switching out wat equip u wear before next match

    Say ur like the worms and got 10 no matches u know there is a reason no one close enough to match them
    Simple fix as a clan switch out a few pieces of equip before next match and now ur over all strength is higher or lower then it was opening up a whole new set of clans to match to

    This is a much better option then trying to add or decrease ur bfa or builds looking for a match under the current system I think u would agree
  12. The only way to "make it fair" would be to rank teams based on a set in stone criteria.. different division and the lowest teams get lowest rewards on up..but also give the clans an option of moving up a class every week to seek better mith payouts/points etc. That way top clans can slug it out while others figure it out..once you move up you can't move down ..
  13. Look at the "fixes" devs did this past season... Did they really balance out the matches?? Nope. I doubt they will ever balance matches no matter what they do... Let's face it, EQUIP IS KING right now and clans with good equip and decent strat will kill it again....

    I am not concerned about myself as I have good equip and links to top clans... I am just concerned with people who missed season 1 and want to war season 2... I can't tell you right now, they aren't welcome at my clan ... But I wish we could take em in, but they'd be a liability rather than asset
  14. Equip is cool and all, but KaW strength has always been allies and as far as I'm concerned always will be.
    Similar dilemma, not everyone can afford to stock allies instead of upgrade.
    Not everyone has time to continuously item hunt for EB items.
    Certainly not everyone has the time or resources to war AND win whenever their RL schedule allows.
    Tower defense looks good on your profile, but it sacrifices plunder and as mentioned earlier, you can get allies for cheaper instead of towers.
    Anyway, build how you want, equip hunt at you leisure, and by all means stock allies. The tides of war change, rise and fall. Just hope you catch a good wave to Ride out Season 2.

    Good Luck All  There's my 2 cents 
  15. Nicely said seraph... Problem is, it would take roughly 10-15 trillion in allies to equal out the best pieces of RP equip 
  16. What I deem most valuable for our clan (TAKA)
    1. Twrs. Without them u will get ripped apart.
    2. Listen to instructions.
    3. Activity level. (This means a min 2.5hrs solid commitment every war.)
    4. Full Mith 2x Xtals and full pots every action.
    5. A willingness to change build based on WC recommendations.
    As I said in previous post. If u are serious about war wall me. This being said if you are noob you have to realize that you cannot do everything all at once in KAW. (You have to pay your dues doing EBs to grow to a reasonable size before warring.). It's taken me 1.5 years of a min 250 actions average everyday to get to where I am now..
    So again enough with the poor me, I want I want, I'm entitled crap. Put the work in or just crawl under a rock and go away please.
  17. Seraph. For bfa to make a difference u need a min 1T in high stay allies. Twrs are the most cost effective way to start. But always be working on growing your BFA
  18. It's not the devs job when matching two clans to figure out wat skill lvl u are or wat lvl of team work u will have ... That would be an impossible task

    But setting up matches where ur as even as possible in all measurable ways are easy enough

    A young war clan coming into wars as it is right now would stand no chance at all they would be beat by mechanics and manipulation of the system alone

    But if they were guaranteed atleast a even match as far as mechanics and size are concerned atleast they would stand a fighting chance and could develop into a good EE clan

    More clans will be in season two just because some of the bigger clans players will spread out and start up their own with the low limits on how many can fight per war how many will want to continue to sit and watch wars they could be in ?
    They will help train players in those clans ... Will they be as good as the clans they came from ... No ... But with a more even fighting ground as a basis they will last longer then 1-2 wars then quit

    Atleast that's the hope