First off, as a non-EE'er, looking in from the outside, I do agree with the OP for the most point. However, an unwillingness to use the system to counter the advantages of the other clans means you're doomed to lose more than you win. But hey, at least you have your honor and pride and whatnot.
Support Dami. Damis post was before the second war against that clan happened he said so already. What some don't understand very often the matchups are unfair no matter which side gets the advantage. So lets hope for a better season 2
I'd also like to bring up that unfair matchs are equally as boring for the winning clan, I don't like playing whack a mole hoping my hit was the one to get the ko
Lots of good points by op. I warred with the worms all season in the mid to low bracket. You'd think that that's where the mismatches would be most prevalent. I am surprised to here about the number of bad matches in the higher brackets where it's bigs vs. bigs. What I can say is that clan strategy is still of the highest importance. Then having more numbers, then equip, and last but not least bfa. I put strategy as #1 bc worms has a clan of mirror image called pillars of chaos. They pounded us in the ground in early EE weeks, but by mid season our strategy was a science and we faced them evenly. Same is true with sotra folk, we beat them bad mid season, but then they fixed strat to become equals with worms (mostly coming down to who had more members). I am sure the devs will make next season better, but still a work in progress. And like I said before, still the best war system we have seen in kaw other than all star wars
So... With this weekend's wars, what of this has been addressed? The community supported Damichhh post, kaw_admin responded positively. But it doesn't look like these points in the first post have been addressed? Kaw_admin?
good question karma! We warred our first trial war yesterday and we all loved the new set up. variable ko times makes it way more fun and unpredictable and a one hour war is a blast. So that are two great changes Devs. My biggest open question is the guild hansel exploit. I would really like to hear more about their plans to change that. But Devs: you are definately on the right track!