EE Matchup Ideas

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xWarRocketAJAXx, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Both great ideas Ajax, I like option 2 better
  2. I agree, option 2 sounds interesting.
  3. I Support this thread.. ! Great idea ajax 
  4. More great ideas on how to improve the system, if only the devs would show even the slightest interest in implementing them. Nice one Ajax 
  5. The biggest problem with matches is that not enough people sign up.

    Get more people interested in EE and make it more accessible to everyone (low cost, no xtals, available to all builds)
  6. To assist the number of players participating how about a secondary "reward" to those who lose - simply put and Estoc Edge that gives 15-20% plunder boost, only one level , expires after a week and only granted upon a certain amount of successful actions (given that when you get hammered in a bad match up successful actions are limited - I'm guessing at 30 actions be acceptable) if you win and already have this sub EE level, it is replaced with the regular EE. hopefully this would promote clans signing up and players with no EE giving it a chance as there is some slight reward (I say this as I'm betting a LOT of people can't see the point in even trying to get their clans signed up In light of the number of lop sided match ups...)

    Tweak it as you see fit, but you get the principle behind it , if you feel no reward should be given to "losers" please remember that more participation means more match ups and a better chance of fair match ups . I do believe this is at least worth a trial run , even if it's just the chaos wars , promoted growth and interest too... 
  7. A lot of strategy goes into last minute cating for matchups by ppl. A traffic Light system would not help in that case. UNLESS there was a means for ppl to uncast also. Propose Uncast facility by clan admins only 
  8. *casting
  9. Good point silph. Which case in point should also bring in a clan rank for your clans WC who which during that traffic light system could choose who to take out and who to put in as a part of the strategy to the war.
  10. A wild Silph appears..
  11. i was thinking about the traffic light scenerio/ reserves option also, only kaw could send msgs to ppl overpowered & warn them of no matchs,giving them an opprotunity to lower bfe...nerfing allys 4 = match is also an idea...but i dont believe that ppl not attempting to fix roster/equips 4 war should be able to gain mith,in short take away tvp eb unless u unlock it 4 everyone to use as a mith drop eb,only fair way i can see.

    traffic light support+
    perma-ban on thrown matches,allied clans get no exception...if u sign up,u war...if match is thrown by one side ban that side&dont offer winner bonus mith(6/9 max)
  12. That's seems a touch extreme with the perm ban thing. If anything a thrown match should yield 0 reward to the team that threw the match, now as for the team who won should only return what mith they spent and that is all no more no less.
  13. I got you both your 50s s1 and 2 jax :p Id help ya get it s3 but Only silly nubs do s3. If you have decent equip already s3 is worthless for u
  14. I support any constructive ideas to rework the current system and look to the devs to hopefully develop and implement the best of asap. Ty
  15. Having set roster templates with stat slots : minimum maximum stat per roster spot.

    Informing each clan of their potential matches : both clans send out war declarations : if two clans agree to a fight they are matched .

    Having an internal hit ratio on each roster ending the wuss 14 gh 4 lb rosters.

    Create stat tiers for rosters , include a minimum and maximum per tier . Include a running total of roster stats that increases as people sign up.

    Put an sh limit (or certain stat minimum after a set amount of roster spots) nothing against sh personally but the matches they create BLOW. So limit them on rosters

    Now all of these ideas may bring up other problems. The point is, there is really no excuse TO NOT BE TRYING other methods

    Two seasons wasted now
  16. These are some interesting ideas, though each of them would take a substantial change to the war systems we have in place. I'll be sure to share your ideas here with the developers, though any changes like this would take a fairly substantial amount of time to make. A secondary round of matching, either by the reserve or traffic lights as you've suggested would help, and this is why right now we're giving reasons for no matches to allow people to change their rosters up for next time.
  17. KaW community basically just said there,

    It's not gonna happen
  18. pretty much LOL