EE Matchmaking Fix: No MATCH

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ITTI_CoTToN__ITTI__BuTToN_ITTI, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. I disagree with a deny button. I've seen and played with too many gamers to know that would be abused horribly.

    With regards to the numbers I proposed - per the OP- they would be subject to analysis and revision. The numbers I proposed allow a wide margin for error only in my opinion. You are still at a large disadvantage if you are down 20% on strength AND 13% in numbers.

    The only thing I want to see discontinued is the impossible matches. Such as when my clan was matched up 80-57 and 60-40 vs a far stronger opponent. Or when our clan outnumbered our opposition 46-31. All of these wars are no fun at all to participate in - win or lose.
  2. I like the deny button. Clans that push it will just get another type of war. Don't sign up for war if you are afraid of a bad matchup.
  3. I am not advocating getting rid of bad or tough matches. Just the impossible ones. You had one last week by the look of it. 55-43. That is a waste of four hours for both sides. 2 hours for match up and 2 hours until you forfeit.

    I find it galling that clans need to be forced into this no fun waste of time just because no other good matches can be found. Better to not waste anybody's time
  4. The problem with matchmaking is not the system, it's that there are not enough clans warring. Good matches can't be made if there is no clan to match up perfectly with you. The system is fine, the sign ups are not
  5. Still I believe that if we chose to ff b4 war started we would deserve being Attkd for costing the other side mith when it wasn't their fault that they had 12. That deny button would for sure lead to lots of osw. So wars would still happen, just in a different form.
  6. @Love. Is it a chicken and egg problem of whether bad matches cause less clans to sign up or vice versa? Or perhaps it is a vicious cycle like a gigantic toilet drain? I feel that if clans know they will not get saddled with a completely unwinnable match that more may wish to sign up.

    @Rude. I never advocated a deny button. In fact quite the opposite. They should have a defined cut off and not leave any choice to the clans - much as they do now but my idea places limits on how much of an underdog you can be.