I unload more than 7 times a day, and use crystals. The eb can last longer than a war. You are afraid of having to earn anything, that's the simplest math.
I live everyone that talks about mindlessly hitting the repeat button on an eb. I guess that's because of all the formulas and calculations involved in hitting the att or spy button when hitting a person? I know I get out my slide rule and calculator, with abacus standing by just in case. Work for something, you'll feel better about having it then.
enchantments. Why is everyone in a rush to enchant? It's just like inferno enchant. You rush, you fail. LOLOLOLOL at the people who tried fully upgrading first day.
I agree, I don't mind the initial price of the EE equipment , but the cost of a failed enchantment , particularly on the greaves , is diabolical. The sheer amount of mithril needed is awful...3 wars in a row, enchant a couple of levels at most for a single equipment piece, if you get a reset then you are going to be truly gutted. At least you can buy Inferno as well as win it in drops from eb's, so if it resets then tough... But comparatively you would need to win 3x the mithril you do now in a war to make enchanting anywhere near worth the risk. Honestly... At that cost, devs need to drop the resets altogether. A failure is fair enough but a reset at that cost?? Hell no. Seriously needs thinking about.