EE in its lowest form

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sinning_Saint, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Avila, agree with keeping EE! Supporting clan alliances when struggling with EBs like ctt etc and you lose a level! Not on
  2. Wow that is just pathetic.
  3. We were outnumbered 33-46 last night and although we forfeited at the 2hour mark we did still try to put up a fight. I agree the matchups were better in the beginning, i also agree that if a match up HAS to favour a side I would prefer that it be in strength NOT numbers.
    I would much rather fight a side ranked 20 places stronger than us instead of 10 members bigger.
  4. Respect to NWCB 
  5. Shame on the people who try to mock NWCB.
  6. Why were they EE-ing if they're not even hitting?
  7. Clumsy Titan... Disrespect 
  8. Sorry I'm being serious :cry: i don't understand, enlighten me please
  9. They were making a statement along with lowering the other clan's mith payout. Clan ranked outside of top 5 usually aren't filled. There's only a couple clans that fill fully and that's how they win, extra numbers. Fill fully as in max the member cap or get close.
  10. Ah ok i thought they might be doing something like that.

    Tengo muchas respecto por NWCB ;) :D
  11. Yeah clumsy Titan  talk too much no action. Typical troll.

    Clan chose not to hit back for various reason. We done it once as a ultimate protest to the devs. Hitting waste mith and pots. Putting your hard earn xytals for such mismatch is like a tip to congratulate the devs for a job well done. Wasting pots, mith and xytals might be that plot to waste your gold and slow your growth.

    Why sld one waste such precious resources in such lousy war match ups??

    That is why some clans cannot be bothered.
    They will go all out only in an OSW. Because that will matter.
  12. I'm not a troll :cry: if i am its by accident (/)_- also just because i didn't instantly notice what they were doing like you doesn't mean I'm not open minded enough to accept their reasons. Rise enlightened me and i respect them for their ways. Whats even better is bunny making this thread and showing even more players causing an uproar.

    Also just because i keep things to myself doesn't mean i don't do them. Theres too many attention whores that post threads whenever they want to hit someone. To be fair i haven't really been hitting people at all the last month but i've been too busy with RL stuff to care.
  13. I only made this to show the devs how stupid ee wars have become. I myself, was not even in this war..
  14. no respect for a clan with no pride
  15. Beat suggestion ever. Get rid of EE wars. They cause nothing but trouble.
  16. I support the idea of letting the side w lower numbers still ad and recruit after match to try and bring numbers closer. I say if you dont want to war...dont sign up...idk how not playing the game is seen as noble?? Seems like a cop out to me. You wont catch us EVER lying down and not even trying or giving it a go. the thing that gets me is how many people respect and support the decision to not fight in a war you signed up for. Seems childish to me really, I mean C'mon its a game. PLAY IT OR DONT, I choose to play Happy Kawing folks!!
  17. For me there is a lot of things in our not perfect world that dont deserve respect and foolishness is among them... Devs with last matchups made a clear statement: double check with that "extra crystall" idea...
  18. Wow my silence is perm
  19. The fact is, there was an even matchup last night if the devs would have run the algorithm then hand matched the teams. We were 9 on our opponent rank 10. NW should have fought our opponent 44-45 and us ubk 54-59. 2 even wars vs 2 uneven ones. The fact is the devs need to be active in matchmaking. A 30 rank can easily beat a 20 if even numbers. Numbers are the key to these with a few exceptions. The most I've seen in our wars is a 6 strength difference. They should adjust the max str difference to 10-12 and focus on numbers and the main matchmaking tool.
  20. *we were plus 9(plus sign doesn't show up)