EE in its lowest form

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sinning_Saint, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. But ASKO brings up a good point. Your thoughts are noted we have all had matchups like that at one point or another.
  2. Looks like a Pwar when only 1 side is fighting
  3. We were ranked 1 and RCA was 2nd. We outnumbered them by 20. Maybe RCA vs NWCB and WaRlor vs unbeknown would have been a better match.
  4. You're.. Complaining your clannies are getting free mith? I don't understand the problem o.0
  5. Yeah I agree completely Zatt. Two clans with much different ranks 4 v. 12, heck even 2 v. 14 (RCA v NWCB) would at least make for an interesting war if the numbers are about the same on each side. I would gladly fight 40 vs 40 against a higher ranked clan because there is at least a chance of winning.

    When outnumbered by 16 there is no chance at winning. I've fought in those wars. If on the losing side your mindset changes from fight to win, to, lets see if I can actually self KO rather than get KO'd when 10 people hit me at exact moment I am out of KO.
  6. Lets all just move on. Dev ain't gonna do anything about it. Mith war is a joke
  8. Agree with Zatt. It's not free mith, it's just boring. The match ups are getting worse, we were 34 vs 49 today. You can't overcome those numbers. It's not fun or fair to war clans who actually take pride in being able to war. It's supposed to be a war game based on strategy, not a lamb being led to slaughter. Oh well? Hope something changes soon.
  9. Fight back. Dont matter if u outnumbered, have pride when u war. U made 20+ billion once, so u can do it agin. U feel like xtals would be a waste then dont burn em. But dont ever jus sit back nd let another clan hammer away for hrs. Even unbeknown didnt like it. Thats bs
  10. Honestly with ubk only 15 I figure u have a shot.
  11. What's messed is we were rank 10 vs la resistance also 10th (weird right) and we had 54 and them 45. They should have warred NW and us UBK. Perfect.
  12. Yeah we were ranked the same as our opponent, yet we only had 34, while they had 49! You need clans to be close in numbers rather then strength!
  13. Respect to NWCB for making that statement. 
    Wonder if a day would come when the other side with the advantage would choose not war as well. That would be true leadership, by not taking advantage of the slip up by dev.
  14. Mossy please tell me you are seeing this lol
  15. If the Nights Watch of Castle Black had enough humility to allow that kind of lead then devs take note.We are immensely dissatisfied with your changes to the war engines.
  16. Respect to both clans UBK and NWCB
    they were tough, but kinda disappoint seing this, NWCB is great ee clan, what happen, why never fight back o_O
  17. I see a lot of complaining, but rarely any suggesting. The devs do the best they can. So what if a few clans are mismatched, it sucks but it happens. What about all the other clans that mere matched perfectly? I've only done maybe 6-7 EE wars, and every one of them were matched up great. Did we win them all, no. But did we give up, no.
  18. dragn

    Yes it works most times.
    However when it does not work it should be a out option. That's out of respect to the players time and RL money they are spending on this game.

    I have a suggestion: if badly out numbered in a matchup like this there should me a "out" bottom for the badly match team. Al get spent mith back and no loss of EE. And 2 (or one ) free XTAL to al on both sides.

    Soory for my bad English I am doing my best.
  19. Im not complaining i making a rational statement that all my fellow warrior here at UBK would back me up. The number limit restrictions are the worst thing ever. As our whole 100 would like to particicipate. But not enough slots. So can we make it to where
  20. Devs i feel you should def lift members slots back up. If not make it to where clans can join other clans without loosing ee. Ive been at lv5 ee for about a month. I think being allowed to visit other clans without loosing ee will def fill these member slots most are complaining about. As it would be easier for clans to recruit their max number of warriors