Noone steals in EE because it uses more spies, however get a clan with a vedetta against you and then tell me they wouldnt strip you a few second before the start lol.
And i personally have 250B in allies atm, i dont disagree with building BFA, but i needs to be proportionate to your build IMO
this will be explained by example from ee; check sotra vs rising hawks.. both competitive clans rising hawks having more sdt towers skim spy actions as what the result tells. so even if your a hansel or attack build, best way to go is to have towers. it will make your opponent to lose more and/or fail more.
@jery- true, however i as an untowered guild hansel ranked top 5 in 3/6 of the wars i have done with warthogs so far. So it is purely dependant on your playing style and build preference as to what build you choose
I'd like to imagine that EVERYONE in the war clan SHOULD have at least some towers. GH gets more plunder from ebs and do to loopholes, plundered well in war. If I pay a tril for SSD and poorly plunder throughout the week on Haunts, Hansels should too. Fair is fair, or dont play. Why should attack builds warrior on and gh get a free pass??
From a plunder standpoint maybe use little adps because the hit difference having pots and having none are a good jump imo. But I'm not sure about EE fonz
Like many have said, this really depends on the specs of the hansel & what strategy your team has set in play. For me, I've focused on trying to stay OKO as long as possible, especially in the beginning of the match. 15-18 Towers, High BFE, decent BFA aid this tremendously. Any of you who have EE'd know, that being in the pool of the first 5-10 people who have been knocked out, plainly suz. Until you xtal, you will be cherry picked from the other side. Since they should have more people OKO, when your out of p. There's pros/cons to having towers - you really have to experiment. Now that the devs disabled the use of switching EQ during war, hansels who have defense mode EQ will have to rely on attack mode armor only. It's a shame really. Still, with 350m CS attack armor, you can give most builds a hard time.
Spy towers for a Hansel are only effective at 3mill static or reasoning is nobody will try anything but scouts ..if your BFA is high enough only huge Hansels can scout you effectively.. so that eliminates a lot of opponents who will even try to use spies against you..they will move on to "easier targets..attack defense (1.5 mill) will keep most guild Hansels off with the right build Hansels can almost have a free go at the other clan..unless they decide to use you as a SKO target..this is only my opinion
Great discussion guys, although I haven't really seen a clear winner on either side of the debate. You guys are all great tho
My opinion is this the spdt are required because with no static they are relatively easy to assa -___ killing more spys faster " ko them quicker with assa then sb " --- average spy build without high bfa that is
if its a pin war. Meaning you want to pin and be on top. Ass is what will get you the top. Towers stop ass. Thats all you really need to know. When eb clans war they get killed on assassins as that is the fastest way to gain control. 1,5 Mil will stop most ass from around 5mil cs hansels and below. The bigger can get some ass in til they fall below stats and get stopped. Depending what is put in place for season 2 you may see whole different sets of requirements as clans figure out how to maximize plunder.
Assassinations are what you try to stop by having SDT. Because one successful assassination takes away attack troops AND spies. So you minimize damage done with forcing opposition to scout.
I'm in favor of ADT for big hansels and SDT for guild hansels. I'm not advocating a set amount for either. Point is to stop other hansels (
(Ampersand got me)... And GH. Team with more successful actions wins the majority of EE wars. Team with more assassins even higher%. Cheers. Good reading.
Thanks everyone for the great explanations. Now, -bep44- what I am having trouble convincing my friend is that hansels get assassinated as well. He says he never has had an assassination attempt on him. This might be because he is a hlcbc hansel, with bfa in the 300's on the ally lb. Since he doesn't get assed, bigger hansels don't need towers right? (Unless they want to stop scouts at around 3.2m static)