EE for all who are not HFBC

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-FaLleN_WaRriOr-ReTurNs-_-, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Hope you get alot interest

  2. This could be easily malipunated, having HFBC and having one level 4 building. Just my opinion.
  3. Im not hlbc can I join
  4. Lmao
  5. Op, your post implies that non hfbc players can't get into a good war clan, people reply that aren't hfbc stating that's not true, and you insult them? You make no sense there are plenty of high prestigious clans that don't use hfbc players.

    If the account you posted with is the said account you war with, then clearly this is the reason you're not finding war. You have to put time and effort and gain experience in indi wars to join an established war clan. If you war with a different account, maybe it's your attitude that we notice in your arrogant reply's, or possibly your lack of experience.

    There is nothing wrong with non hfbc war experienced players finding established war clans, so your post is lack of correct information and effort. Good luck gaining experience and finding your way!