EE fairy protection petition

Discussion in 'Wars' started by spookyrobbie, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Maybe ATA can sell a "EE Penetrating Spell" for $10.99 a pop?

  2. Totally agree with Troll on this. The OP is not too swift. First, you're so-called "EE faries " are taking lots more hits in that time than you OSW faries can dish out. Second, you can strip a dude in eE war, you just got to have the balls to do it yourself. So far I've attempted 4 strips during EE ( including ASW). Not sure why the OP couldn't just do the same.
  3. Go to you're room Robbie
  4. Ee guys are banked. Can only b hit by 20 people max. They're definitely active for the ee war so any strip in the sense of osw is a fail n easy quick to bank. Dont compare ee hits to osw hits fairys
  5. True, Fin. Most OsW fairies don't have the balls to attack a dude while he is awake. 
  6. Oh it's easy to bank when you can't buy allies except off the other people in the war?

    Automatic 25% loss if you bank.
  7. If I have a reason I usually only try to hit my target when they are awake so they don't have as many units to use themselves
  8. I can respect that Kirito. Personally I don't see why these so-called OSWers are having a problem with those who do EE. You can obviously do both.
  9. It's impractical not to do both.

    EE gives the best equipment and big plunder bonuses. Good luck stripping a target or keeping up growth wise without funds from HTE.

    Not to mention enough mith for unholy aura can only be acquired from EE.