EE Boycott

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CDI__Warmonger__CDI, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. This thread should be locked due to a lack of effort. We used to make our builds based on ebs so everyone had attack buildings or middle building. Nobody complained and said boycott eb's because people adjusted their builds for the payout. Stop complaining. Mids have a place, just not in high demand. You cant merc, sorry mercs usually loose.
    If you want to boycott then boycott, nothing stopping you. Ill enjoy my s3 eq, mith, and ee levels.
    Find a clan that needs you or will tell you what to add to your build to make it possible for you to join them, or dont war simply enough. The mids that do war will enjoy plentiful amounts of mith and you can wallow in your anger. :arrow:
  2. I love replys from ppl that are too scared to build beyond noobs smh
  3. Support for mids!!
  4. Whats even funnier is devs say they changed gh, but really did nothing but say they changed gh, if they changed it how can they still spy lb players? I call bs on that too
  5. smh :roll: :lol: :lol:
    You should really change your name, you're no warmonger your a little girl.
    1. supply and demand.
    2. Adaptation
    unlike you i have adapted to the changes that the game has brought forth. I am not scared to build, in fact one day it is my goal to sell a ton of allies and build to hfbc. Because i don't have to build much more all i have to do is buy non-needed lands and invest into allies.
    you complain about eb, you complain about pw you complain about ee; see a trend?
    cry me a river build me a bridge and get over it.
  6. They developers did nerf the Guild hansel
    They guild hansel was nerfed in several ways, the major nerf to the guild hansel was that it's plunder dropped off the charts. What they did not change is that if they were above dts, they can scout bomb anyone. just like mids with 200k spy scout bomb lb players to 0. Why? because when you get scout bombed, your sdp are useless.
    I can also almost guarantee you that there are no more gh in war clans anymore. It is a build that consists of 49 lvl 1 sos, and 5 of the t6 troop buildings, combined with good bfe and bfa.
  7. Warmonger the **** are you.
  8. If you apply for a job and they deny your application because you don't meet their standards do you try to meet their standards or get the to change theirs?
  9. Isn't CDI the acronym for an STD?
  10. Lol @ your boycott.

    You aren't EEing anyways as a mid
  11. Blame the devs. Until they make gh's pay like they should, ee is broken. And there are many clans that let builds your size war. We have several.
  12. Support. Also big Hansels have become useless in EE. All everyone wants is SH or GH in war.

    In my opinion there should be a place for every build. No build should be left out and each should have its strengths and weaknesses. Kinda like a rock-paper-scissor type if thing.
  13. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=156428&hilit=hansel
    there you go, also ps are very good.
  14. In Rock Paper Scissors there is only one winner. Rock beats scissors scissors beats paper paper beats rock.

    Stop bitching about it. Nobody forced you to do this.
  15. :!: Also, have you thought maybe you suck at war?
    The problem is, as warriors we know the power of some builds and eliminate them immediatly.
  16. I think it's funny how many noobs OP's pissed off in a 5 line thread.
  17. I'm midbuild and I war if I can. I always end up in a stacked roster, if I actually do get to war somewhere. lb/bigs too hard to hit, and then there's 15 sh.. superb!

    I find it so unfair that you can create a build in 2 weeks and become more desirable than a towered war build that took half a year to make. But devs obviously don't give a ****, they have banners, ebs and other crap to make this war game better.

    Also notice that everyone in this thread saying that rosters are fair as they are, are sh themselves. Complete ********. Devs stated themselves they didn't mean for the game to work this way. They don't want players to stay small, they want players to grow. What if think they want more than anything, is to piss their customers off and not inform us properly.