Echo's Secret Life

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxBrooke_ParisXx, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. echo is a dirty whore
  3. but but but I enjoy commenting here.

    it's so awesome
  4. WTF nobody ever will finish this story grrr I liked it
  5. Finish it please
  6. I want you to finish it now
  7. Wow this is the top lol
  8. Well everyone hates it :/
  9. Shouldn't this have been deleted? It IS plagiarizing, as you still haven't given credit to the original.

    @TheSheepHerder she can't finish it because SHE DIDN'T WRITE IT.
  10. I can finish it if he wants me to
  11. Well, you should be banned by now.

    The first part of the ToU, specifically part E of that part, says you cannot post anyone else's intellectual property without permission to do so.

    In other words, you cannot plagiarize. You did plagiarize. At the very least you could've given credit and said it wasn't yours. You can be jailed for this. You are worthless to FanFic, you do not deserve the little respect you have here.
  12. Wait wait wait wait wait.

    Brooke/Celest/Jeweliet/Emerald has RESPECT?! (Sorry if I missed any of your reset names.)
  13. Ask for this to be deleted, I don't care do whatever u want with the thread I don't care
  14. I liked it you don't have to be a ass hole