EBs and EEs during OSW: Regulators vs IG

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. When we were getting pounded by 5 clans, and more than 5 if we include their family clans as clans, we are still able to complete EBs :lol: I would like to thank you for taking the trouble to post our full clan name :) I will add a few points.

    Part of it is psychological, yup. But it's easier said than done. Our members have to be able to treat KaW gold like dirt; it's something that can be lost because it's only virtual numbers. Then again, 1T is considered a mini strip to most players nowadays, hardly able to make someone quit.

    What you have described is however very 2012ish, and as KaW continues to evolve, strategies continue to change. Here at YA__JUDGMENT__FI, we are taking a mini break now as we war only 2 very small clans. We have learned a lot over the OSWs of 2012, and we are updating our strategies already. Some of the strategies are being tested on a small scale, and refined against our current small war opponents, as we prepare ourselves for any possible future wars in 2013.
  2. So Ya_judgement_Fi is done with AAH?
  3. I sleep well every night.
  4. It's sad seeing this strategy used so much. What happened to WAR??its only about the strip. Some people enjoy the PVP action Rather than hitting eb that doesn't hit back. Now players not hitting back either.
  5. SlapHappy, post with your main instead of this small academy level account. I'll slap you KaW style if that's what you need.
  6. This "big strips only" strategy seems to be logical...
  7. Lmao this is my main
  8. Wulf battled Chuck Norris 

    Me too iReg 

    Interesting thread.
  9. Exactly my point devil. The strip is all that's important nowadays.
  10. Slap u have 97 losses, so quit acting like your out there tearing up kaw
  11. He is not acting like that all he is sayinf is that in old kaw there were no ebs and people actually hit back he just doesnt know its a strategy
  12. Ty V1  I'm actually very experienced in war. Forgive if my stats aren't to your liking. If u are in a war the main focus should be on the opposing clan. Pinning them not allowing them to hit your clanmates or allies. Not hitting eb
  13. Yes this strategy is effective for stripping. But it is selfish and cowardly. You hide behind ee no help to your allies. U hit eb allowing opposing clan full troops to hit who they plz
  14. Doing EENot smart at all.....Their allies during EE
  15. Sorry, did the strategy here fall on def ears?

    It's a game

    To valiantly take the figurative bullet for your clan/alliance mates is ******* stupid. Do you really care if someone hits you? Do you feel the pain? That sharp sharp pain. In your butt.

    I will take everyone's frustrated bar emptying because their target was dtw. Gladly

    If that means my ca is stuffed with strips I would follow these cowardly leaders to the gates of digital hell and back

    Look at it this way....

    I'm taking that figurative bullet, FOR THEM


    Mind blown
  16. Philo. I sticky ur quotes. They have my approval.
  17. I laugh at all you tools taking about what you should be doing during war War has two sides: winners and losers. There is no honor in war, no right way to war, only winners and losers. Oh wait... This is a video game...
    So who gives a ****? Win, lose, or quit complaining...

    But to those that say you should be failing ebs and not doing EE.... the standard back in the day was to stand in a line and shoot your musket. I bet guerrilla warfare really pissed them off...
  18. Phil you know you can make more of hitting enemy then from epics you should have know that. Also hitting epics for atripfunds is possible but most use it to pot up again because they got hit potless. So by hitting enemy all day who not hits back you make more gold and dont lose pots. I am dissapointed now about you phil this is rubbiah talk. And for EE i cant talk for everyone but i dont't like them at all 4 hours is to short. Sw war was great because you can use alot more strategy by using all timezones of your clan members.
  19. Also i think by pinning yourself on epic is more like hiding from osw because you know your ftiends or alliance will get the beating. Hitting enemey instead of epic makes it harder for them to keep gold out and buy from banks.you know like in sw turtle wars dont pay great. But if you stay up and you pick a good target you can get great plunder same is for osw. You go out and do EE and you 6 hours out on hollyday like you call it is not like it should be. Your friends getting striped while you having fun in EE war maybe if you didnot do EE war you noticed the strip and could help your friend instead of making fun. I personally would feel very quilty if i was making fun in EE and my good friend lose a few T in strip at the same time. But thats only my opinion.(yeah i know my english sucks)