Are you still advocating for Obama? Nice brah. ObamaCare at that. Real nice. You have a future as a political advocate for the Democratic Party on kids games. Keep up the good work. The DNC will be paying you $.50 a post soon.
Actually, I advocate against stupidity. When conservatives stop being stupid, I'll advocate for them. And the question remains. Where is the conservative alternative to Obamacare? They said they had one. They've had years to come up with one. Where is it? Get back to me on that.
My bad. I forgot. Obama is the first president we can't pick on. My bad peeps of KaW all hail Prez Obama.
Canada is being invaded. Gotta go. Black Dragon the Ocare debate? You are over a year late. Nice plan brah.
You're confused. You're free to pick on anyone you want. Just like I'm free to call you on it. If you can't take the heat, don't make the post. That's how it works.
But I'll leave you with some awesomeness. ObamaCare approval ratings. Depending on source. It's around 41% Disapproval 53% It's changes a lot. I guess all those disapproving are stupid conservatives. That's a fine way to think of your fellow citizens. Have a nice day *drops sparkles* That was a role play thingy.
@blackdragon, I dont see anywhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights where we have the right o be given healthcare. Please find that for me.
You're still confused. The "Ocare debate" is still going on, although you don't see many conservatives talking about it these days because: 1) They have no plan to replace it because ObamaCare is mostly based on conservative ideas from the 90's (See RomenyCare) and any plan they come up with will basically have to work like ObamaCare does. 2) ObamaCare is working and they know repealing it will be political suicide without an alternative, which they don't have (See #1). You have a nice day, brah.
You aren't telling me nothing I don't know. I sites for adults to talk politics. Not 9 games. Try it sometime. This is a war game forum. Not a dating site. Not a place to tell your personal stories. And not a place for your personal politics to be pushed.
If you can't take a joke like ebolacare with out having a politic rant as a rebuttal using insults. Maybe you shouldn't talk politics. Especially on a 9 plus game
Show me where in the Constitution where you have a "right" to privacy, marriage, taxation without representation, Social security, or Medicare. Here's a tip. Just because there is no express right to health care in the Constitution, doesn't mean the Government can't help you get health insurance coverage. It's not based on your "rights". It's based on the powers the Constitution grants to government.
And we see where America is because of it, Trillions in debt. I am speaking my opinion; as you are speaking yours. This thread isnt on the goverment or healthcare, so if you would like to discuss it further, please wall or pm me. Otherwise, Lets stay on topic.
Brah, as long as I stay within ToS, I can post whatever I like. If you don't my posts, don't read them. If you do choose to read them and respond to them, don't come at me all butt hurt and being a hypocrite because you don't like the response you get back. It's that simple.
The topic was Ebola. The comment I responded to was "Ebolacare". Furthermore, I think health care is highly relevant to the topic. Countries with good health care systems have a much better chance of confining an outbreak and treating the victims. Countries that don't, like Liberia, have a much higher chance of having outbreaks, which increases the chances of it spreading to other countries. Additionally, it's a fact that people without health insurance tend to delay seeking treatment for illnesses because they can't afford it. This also increases the chances of contagions spreading. That's why it's important to make sure everyone has access to health care. Because viruses don't make a distinction between who has coverage and who doesn't.
Brah! This game failed at politics. They let a Hamas recruitment thread run. And a thread with a picture of fake picture of a slain teenager. It's over. No matter how many junk threads get made. Talk your politics with the children. I looks like it suits you anyway. The stuff your are saying doesn't fly in adult settings anyway.
Yeah, about that "awesomeness" "July 23rd, 2014 - Washington (CNN) – More than half the public says Obamacare has helped either their families or others across the country, although less than one in five Americans say they have personally benefited from the health care law, according to a new national poll. A CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that a majority of Americans oppose the Affordable Care Act, but that some of that opposition is from people who don't think the measure goes far enough...According to the poll, only 18% of the public say they or their families are better off now that the major provisions of the health care law have been implemented. Another 35% report that, while their lives have not improved, the Affordable Care Act has benefited other people in the U.S. Add those two numbers together, and that means 53% say that Obamacare has helped either their families or others across the country. Forty-four percent tell us that the health care law has not helped anyone in the country...According to the poll, 40% of Americans say they support the health care law, basically unchanged from March but up from 35% in December, which was a record low in CNN polling. Fifty-nine percent of those questioned say they oppose the measure, down five points from December. "Not all of the opposition to the health care law comes from the right," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Thirty-eight percent say they oppose the law because it's too liberal, but 17% say they oppose it because it's not liberal enough. That means more than half the public either favors Obamacare, or opposes it because it doesn't go far enough." As expected, the poll indicates a continued wide partisan divide between Democrats and Republicans over the law and whether it’s working." ... e-working/ While we're on the subject of stupid conservatives: "Mitch McConnell’s puzzling claims on insurance in Kentucky, post-Obamacare “Kentucky Kynect is a Web site. It was paid for by a $200-and-some-odd-million grant from the federal government. The Web site can continue. But in my view, the best interest of the country would be achieved by pulling out Obamacare, root and branch…. Now, with regard to Kynect, it’s a state exchange. They can continue it if they’d like to. They’ll have to pay for it because the grant will be over. And with regard to the Medicaid expansion, that’s a state decision. The states can decide whether to expand Medicaid or not. In our state, the governor decided to expand Medicaid.” –Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), in a campaign debate, Oct. 13, 2014 McConnell has some difficulty with the Obamacare issue because the Kentucky version, known as Kynect, has been a huge success. About half a million Kentuckians signed up for health insurance, many receiving it for the first time. Fewer than 100,000 joined private insurance plans; that means the bulk of the population joined Medicaid, which was greatly expanded under the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare. But at the same time, Obama is deeply unpopular in Kentucky and polls indicate that many Kentuckians do not associate Kynect with Obamacare. So McConnell threads a very difficult needle here, suggesting the Web site can continue while the law that created it must be scrapped. How realistic is this?" ... obamacare/ Got it? Kynect, which is ObamaCare, is a huge success and popular in Kentucky. ObamaCare, which in Kentucky is Kynect, is very unpopular. Go figure. The truly hilarious part was McConnell saying he'd keep the web site, but get rid of ObamaCare. What he expects the web site to do without ObamaCare is anybody's guess. Maybe he thinks you could play KaW on it? Who knows? These are the same guys who say they can't comment on climate change because "I'm not a scientist", but seem to think they are when it comes to Ebola. This is what represents critical thinking among conservatives these days. Awesome, huh? Have a nice day, brah *drops sparkles*