
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cub, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. I for one believe it's of alien nature.

  2. You think it was government made -HELLBOY- ?
  3. To the obama conspiracist on page 2, I've heard obama is a puppy used by the illuminati :eek:

    Okay, the one joke i have been wanting to use about ebola,


    Whats the worry about ebola? Aids been around 30 years but a nigga still wont use a condom.

    Okay; thats out my system.

    I think Ebola has the potential to become dangerous.

    I was recently in the hospital and talked with a doctor who had lived in Kenya. I asked what would happen, if someone (who was suspected of having ebola) walked into the hospital. His response was the whole faculty including staff and patients would be locked in until people in hazmat suits got their and did all this other stuff to make sure they werent sick and stuff. It was a few weeks ago so my memory is foggy.
  4. puppet* not a puppy
  5. So there are precautions being taken to make sure.
  6. @Skylar: So the USA has to keep shipping out a steady flow of crops or a deadly virus will infect millions??? Im losing brain cells trying to comprehend that post and multiple others :-/
  7. Rubber, there are multiple theories on why and how this is happening ... What do you think?
  8. It's a viral infection that hit larger urban populations than previously it had done.
    There have been previous outbreaks but they have for the most part limited to smaller rural populations.
    It's dangerous it's relatively easy to spread and the area affected suffers from appalling infrastructure and medical services due to civil wars and underdevelopment.
  9. Like any virus, Ebola is most likely a mutation of another disease, or is caused by something else, but either way, it is a virus, it will mutate again and maybe get worse, or better, who knows? Only time will tell.
  10. @Cub: I know there are multiple theories, but there are some stupid ones
  11. So far, more Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian than have died from Ebola.

    And the Ebola victims suffered less.
  12. You could all do 30 mins research and find it all out instead of throwing your crazy ideas down :lol:

    Ebola = New depopulation device.
  13. about time something actually useful on ebole
  14. *Cue the regret you have when you teach a noob how to bbcode and then they use it repeatedly when it really isn't required and should just stop spamming forums with their garbage*
  15. yes and pls guys 
  16. Yes bedlam that's true however over 4500 people from other countries have died .
  17. Actually, ObamaCare covers Ebola.

    Remind me again what the conservative alternative plan covers.