
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cub, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. I feel like I'm playing a real life version of 'infected' that little app :lol:
  2. My thought is that we only need one thread to discuss this not 20
  3. Ebola isn't fatal. Everyone who died , died because they weren't given any proper medication. No one was even trying to help them .
  4. The basic meaning of fatal is it can kill
    /).- dumb ass
  5. Jennifer the medication for Ebola is fluids and pain meds to try and help the body fight the virus.
    They need to be given as early as possible and by trained staff who can minimise the risks of infection to themselves to limit the spread of the virus.
    It's a very lethal virus with a 50-90% fatality rate.
  6. Ok, I can see you're not going to be convinced that you're being duped by fake numbers, so let's take this another direction sept. Let's say you're right and the globe is warming and it's all our fault. What are we doing to fix this problem and what further can be done w/o putting lives at risk?
  7. Sylar I'd question why you think the numbers are faked ?

    Why deny that the worlds weather has been changing in the last years ?
    You say it's a conspiracy but my question would be to what point ?
    What gain comes from saying that there are things occurring that we don't fully understand but we see enough evidence to understand a probable cause ?
    On the other side what gain comes from denying the evidence ? And who amongst those who deny the evidence can and do gain ?

    I don't have all the answers but we need to try to consume less fossil fuels make less carbon and pollution, find better sources of power and use the power more wisely.
    It's simple that while humanity can't destroy all live on this planet by it's actions we can certainly render this our only home in a cold dark universe a far less pleasant to be.
  8. Pretty sure there are too many people living on this nice planet. So let's kill some of you guys off to make it more enjoyable for the rest of us k.
  9. Same as all conspiracies, greed. Lots of money in "green" energy for and from the government.
  10. So your answer is nuclear, geothermal, and hydrogen? Seems like a world for the elite only. Not that these energy sources are perfectly safe, but they're CO2 free. Gotta cut out recycling most things too, as doing so produces more CO2 than starting from scratch. Should probably ban all energy sources that produce more CO2 than fossil fuels while we make this transition because every little bit counts. No more lithium ion batteries as the amount of CO2 produced making them is significant. This means no more EV as the CO2 produced make them puts roughly the same CO2 into the atmosphere as does a gasoline combustion engine does in roughly 80,000 miles. No more batteries for storing solar and wind either as the CO2 per kilowatt hour is greater than clean coal. Lastly no more ethanol, as it puts more CO2 into the atmosphere from ground to pump that gasoline does from ground to combustion, that's not counting the CO2 created combusting ethanol.

    To my point, if there really is a problem, why is it that the accepted solutions make the problem worse, not better?
  11. Interesting fact: same amount of people dies EVERY day from lack of water or pollutioned water. As the total ebola death count so far. But yes ebola must be dealt with
  12. Someone said the media scare of the HIV virus... HIV wasn't even acknowledged by Raegan until over 20000 people died of it in AMERICA. Just be thankful our government is actually paying attention for this one.
  13. Why do you think Reagan didn't acknowledge HIV? Is ebola one virus we should pay more attention to than HIV if it just was discovered to?
  14. Sylar

    How is recycling costing more co2 than starting from scratch ? Also the ignores the fact that if waste isn't recycled it's going into landfills which are damaging in many other ways. An aluminium can recycled requires 5% of the energy of making a new one. There are issues and it's not perfect but it's significantly cleaner than new bauxite to usable aluminium.
    Every 1000kg of glass recycled saves on average 315kg of co2 emissions on average depending on power supply source.

    The biggest issue with most of the rest of your arguments is the source of power production.
    Burning fossil fuels like coal to power EV is counter productive and does raise their carbon footprint to slightly lower than gasoline powered options and worse than high end hybrid petrol or diesel.
    However when lower co2 cost alternatives such as solar or wind are used then the co2 benefits are significant.
    As for lithium ion it's a near future option and it's getting better even more so thanks to new lower energy recycling techniques such as eco-bat's method.

    Nuclear isn't a long term option as the thousands of years required for the spent fuel rods to become safe leaves it as a hazard for generations to come.

    Mostly it's about making use of new technology and making better choices.
    Classic examples are low impact infrastructure projects like solar power and high end battery storage for small villages rather than power plants and construction of vast wasteful power grids in developing countries.
    It gets the power where people need it with out the need for horrendous costs and for a negligible low term cost compared to using fossil fuels.
  15. Aids was identified by the Pasteur institute in France and Dr Robert Gallo in the USA in 1983 first cases where being reported in 1981 but it was 1987 before the then president Ronald Reagan made any public mention of the virus, by which point over 100,000 Americans were suffering from Aids/HIV
  16. Well back on point, usually Ebola outbreaks die down after the first 2 years of being around. According this documentary I was watching, there has been a few outbreaks and after awhile it goes away. This new Ebola virus they might have a cure for.

    Ebola is like a string or worm shaped and attacks blood cells. The new cure is being focused on attacking the proteins that Ebola uses to attach to blood cells.
  17. Ebola was discovered in 1976 and it's only being taken serious now when it's out of hand, which doesn't surprise me. Personally I don't care I'll worry about it when it's in my city. There is worse things to worry about like getting up tomorrow morning for work
  18. What if Ebola isn't a " natural" disease ? What if it was made accidentally or people wanted to make it? Then Africa just serves as a test subject having many wild territories and people still living in tribes or just in the wild. Having many free animals running around can easily transmit Ebola from one person to another and being medically and technologically behind more people will die or try to run spreading the disease all over the place...
  19. Jennifer it's a disease that's been around since the mid 1970's it's not been " made ".
  20. Just because it's been around since the 1970's doesn't mean they couldn't have made it then..