
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cub, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Ebola is a manufactured disease. It is being shot over in America like little airplane disease bombs. It has a 73% chance of upon infection being fatal. It is a constantly mutating virus, so much so, every host it infects, it mutates. There is no cure. While popular belief is it is not highly infectious, you can not deny it is actually spreading. There is no hospital in America prepared for one patient let alone an entire population. There is no vaccine.

    FEMA has built huge camps citing they are shelters when a national disaster hits. They have also built mass graves saying it is normal using national statistics of how many graves are made yearly but they omitted the fact that they just doubled it. They also have done this in less than a decade.

    The DHS has bought billions of rounds of ammo. They have increased recruiting. DHS has private healthcare.

    Our new healthcare system is fragile the way it is already. Hell if this does go rampant I don't even see a reason to discuss healthcare.
  2. Cam i be considered an std?
  3. Sep. Civilization has been failing for much longer than 300 years. Go look up ANY countries history dated back to cavemen.
  4. King that was a reply to the post regarding the dangers of industrialisation the vast majority of which has occurred in the last 300 yrs.

    There is no country that has a history dating back to the Stone Age that's because it's what's know as prehistoric times.

    Until the invention of writing such as cuneiform linear A
  5. Scaremongering won't help the issue the amount of bs is beyond belief.

    But what you can do is choose after careful research to support a clinical research program that is currently developing antiviral drugs and vaccines.

    Short of the military led research teams coming up with something, without huge pressure the giants cannot and won't finance the years of research this will need.

    Expect the current plan to be containment and short of a fluke cure showing up. Ebola will be active for at least ten years.

    That said medical science is advancing faster than ever. And the more legitimate researchers working towards anti-virals the better. So again. Research. Choose and financially support medical research. That's the only way safe viable cures will come about.
  6. Hereis where I got my information.
  7. Hardcore Kawers are totaly safe cuz they never get outside and dont have any human contact....

    just sayin
  8. Sylar that link doesn't seen to go anywhere.
    My previous post got cut off.

    Was saying until the invention if writing like cuneiform linear A and B and hieroglyphics humanity used pictograms and oral history to remember the past.

    300 yrs ago slavery was widespread death came to people at a shockingly young age from a multitude of directions.

    The things we decry as horrendous aberrations where commonplace.

    We've advanced in ways people couldn't have begun to imagine three centuries ago and we will continue to advance because that is human nature.

    We've grown and our civilisations have grown with us. Not always pretty in that growth and certainly with disastrous missteps and misdeeds but gradually better, moving past our past leaving many of it's mistake behind us.

    I don't for one second believe that we've moved backwards or falling apart slayer. Yes there are insidious and powerful forces that would seek to drag humanity back into darker times, but I think that the vast majority of people reject those forces.

    As for your " theory " about the origin of Ebola and the various other claims show your evidence
  9. Good discussion guys

    Let me here what you guys would like the government to do about this disease and what actually can be done legally
  10. the stone age thing was a joke because as long as their has been civilization.

    slavery has also been around since the stone age.
  11. Are there ways that us as humans can lower the chances of contracting the virus? Other than washing your hands
  12. Look up this thread on your web browser, don't know why the link won't go through in game but it went through fine in Safari
  13. Take sensible precautions.
    For most people it's probably not going to be a issue unless the outbreak in Africa is not stopped sooner rather than later.
    Avoid areas know to have infections. If you are there avoid contact with people
    Don't touch an infected person unless wearing a protective equipment.
    Don't touch a dead body or their clothes bedding Etc.
    If you have been near an infected person and start to have a fever call your emergency service and tell them exactly what's occuring.

    Tbh from what I've looked at on WHO MSF pages and others the real danger isn't Ebola getting to Europe or the USA it's Ebola getting loose In the Indian subcontinent or south East Asia with their massive populations
  14. One cure is through animals
  15. Bats started the virus and are immune to it. GET A VACINNE FROM BATS U IDIOTS
  16. Also u can use the blood from cured peeps and give it to others so they are immune to that type of Ebola
  17. Sylar ok read that and yes it says the satellite data on earth atmosphere temp. did show results suggesting a cooling however as that article also says they are trying to understand the relationship between the temperature and the water levels to explain some of those results.

    But perhaps as that article was posted Oct 1997 17yrs ago and there have been many subsequent studies examining the effects do climate change.
    97% of climate scientists say it's happening and have proven evidence to back that up.
    To ask a question if 97% of engineers told you not to cross a bridge would you walk over it ?
  18. Sep, I do hope I'm wrong and it all is just coincidence. Also you keep depicting America as the root of all evil with the America thing but I can safely assure you it is every society. There is slavery in other countries to this day.
  19. 300 year thing* man I'm off today
  20. There is no quick fix. The government aren't out there trying to depopulate Africa by spreading Ebola. It is a disease, which has no cure (at the moment) so don't pretend you have multiple qualifications for diseases, and know the cure. The underlying problem is people think it is ok, to go out to a country with a highly infective disease, where those affected are relatively un-informed. These people then come back to highly populated countries such as America, and they lack the respect for the disease to have a routine check, and go back into normal life, possibly spreading it. The government aren't quarantining people so they can place them into concentration camps, so stop spreading lies. They do it for your safety.