
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cub, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. No, no. Vitamin C cures everything. You need to use a IV solution. You can't ingest enough orally for it to be effective.

    Sunny D has solar energy.
  2. From the cancer research UK website there are similar passages in other sites dealing with cancer treatments regarding baking soda and it's " claimed health benefits "
    This ‘theory’ comes from the not-very-observant observation that “cancer is always white”.

    One obvious problem with this idea – apart from the fact that cancer cells are clearly not fungal in origin – is that cancer isn’t always white. Some tumours are. But some aren’t. Ask any pathologist or cancer surgeon, or have a look on Google Image search (but maybe not after lunch…).

    Proponents of this theory say that cancer is caused by infection by the fungus candida, and that tumours are actually the body’s attempt at protecting itself from this infection.

    But there’s no evidence to show that this is true.

    Furthermore, plenty of perfectly healthy people can be infected with candida – it’s part of the very normal array of microbes that live in (and on) all of us. Usually our immune system keeps candida in check, but infections can get more serious in people with compromised immune systems, such as those who are HIV-positive.

    The ‘simple solution’ is apparently to inject tumours with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). This isn’t even the treatment used to treat proven fungal infections, let alone cancer. On the contrary, there’s good evidence that high doses of sodium bicarbonate can lead to serious – even fatal – consequences.

    Some studies suggest that sodium bicarbonate can affect cancers transplanted into mice or cells grown in the lab, by neutralising the acidity in the microenvironment immediately around a tumour. And researchers in the US are running a small clinical trial investigating whether sodium bicarbonate capsules can help to reduce cancer pain and to find the maximum dose that can be tolerated, rather than testing whether it has any effect on tumours.

    As far as we are aware, there have been no published clinical trials of sodium bicarbonate as a treatment for cancer.

    It’s also worth pointing out that it’s not clear whether it’s possible to give doses of sodium bicarbonate that can achieve any kind of meaningful effect on cancer in humans, although it’s something that researchers are investigating.

    Because the body strongly resists attempts to change its pH, usually by getting rid of bicarbonate through the kidneys, there’s a risk that doses large enough to significantly affect the pH around a tumour might cause a serious condition known as alkalosis.

    One estimate suggests that a dose of around 12 grams of baking soda per day (based on a 65 kg adult) would only be able to counteract the acid produced by a tumour roughly one cubic millimetre in size. But doses of more than about 30 grams per day are likely to cause severe health problems – you do the maths.

    The main proponent of this treatment is an Italian doctor Dr Simonici who had his license to practice revoked in 2003 and was found guilty of wrongful death and swindling in 2006 so yeah he's a guy to trust.
  3. You're right, to say baking soda cures anything is a misnomer, but to say cancer is a disease is as well. Cancer is a symptom of the bodies inability to adapt to conditions it's exposed to. Be these conditions environmental or genetic doesn't really matter. What baking soda does is what I already stated.
  4. This is defiantly not the deadliest, the Black Plague has by far been the worst.
  5. Phantom I stated that it was one of the deadliest
  6. Malaria is worse than the Black Plague.
  7. We can solve this by getting rid of Africa, now I know this seem narrow minded and ignorant and it may be but let's think about this Ebola came from Africa and AIDS came from Africa. Both are horrible diseases that have plagued the modern age and made life for lack of a better term a living hell.
  8. And there are no cures for either HIV (just treatments) or Ebola which has no treatments yet ... Both coming from Africa I would think if we can't find a cure for either one we are gonna get an even deadlier virus from Africa
  9. Apprx. 200 people from the affected region (250 mile radius) are coming into the USA everyday. They should be quarantined with the politicians who welcome open borders during times like these. If after the 40 day period they're clear then both the politician and immigrant should enjoy the country.
  10. The problem isn't inherently Africa, but food safety in Africa. Modernizing these third world countries would go a long way in preventing future problems. Not to mention how adding that many producers and consumers can boost the global economy. Now only if there was a country with an over abundance of energy that they could sell to countries. So much in fact that companies are burning off excess because there's not a big enough market in said country for said energy source.
  11. No. Just stop eating bat meat and raise some cattle. Easy meal = bad sickness
  12. Oh you meant Russia. My bad.
  13. You know, I wasn't real serious about that.

    But I can be. What would the point be to modernize African nations at this point? Every ten years rebels come through and slaughter every other village.

    Modernizing and further industrializing parts of Africa may add to the problem. As cities would become popular and increase in population, so would the destruction of innocence. A innocence that would have been created.

    Some can argue that industrialization could be the ultimate downfall of man. Problems such as over population. Which could lead to numerous disadvantages in advancement. Famine, plague, etc etc.

    Global warming. Now there's one. Who knows were that could lead. More people through industrialization, at this point equals more carbon emissions.

    So if a nation were to take it's over abundance of energy. And use it in Africa, what benefit would that be? More nations risen from nothing to betray the one from which the gotten help?

    We have seen that already.

    At what point do we, and can we allow life to evolve at its own pace?

    Not that neglect would be suitable or acceptable. Nor should it be thought of.

    We can't take people on step 2 or 3 and advance them to step 6 by making things nice for them.

    We can see the disasters consequences of urban decay in our own nation. This is no future. This is storage at it's worse.

    You create a people who can not sustain themselves. They can not grow. They can not hunt. They can not fish. A totally relent species.
  14. Hydra so because Europe and America screwed themselves up no one else can do it better ?
    That's a pessimistic view of humanity.
    People can and I hope will learn from the multitude of mistakes made during the last 300yrs learn better ways to build their countries into what ever they choose to be.
  15. I could live w/o modern conveniences should the need arise. I'd likely go through serious tech withdrawal, but I'd manage. If you or any other American or European can't, you have no one to blame for that but yourself.

    As for global warming… I don't even know where to start. Per NASA the globe has not warmed in nearly two decades, it in fact has cooled. America's CO2 emissions are the lowest they've been in two decades, in spite of the increased CO2 emissions associated with ethanol, solar, and battery production for electric and hybrid vehicles and other applications. It wasn't regulation that spurred this trend, but fracking and free market principles. We're producing so much natural gas that companies can't sell it fast enough

    Sure industrialization comes with it's own set of problems, but the human condition will never be perfect. Who are we to deny anyone else the comforts we take for granted? What make you better than any other person that walks this planet?
  16. Sylar were do you find your bogus information ?

    This is from the NASA climate change web page.

    All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880.5 Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years.6 Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue to increase.

    So that would pretty much directly refute your claim.
  17. I'm concerned. I don't think it is a hoax or that it's being spread by governments or companies. I think it's a direct result of poverty and ignorance. And in my opinion it needs addressing quickly by the world. Every country should ideally chip in either with resources or money. But the fact is most won't because greed rules, many believe that because of strict border or immigration control they are safe and others just wait and see usually letting the US or other countries who care about "humans rights" and the welfare of minorities foot the bill. But what they fail to realize is it only takes one. As was seen earlier this month in the US.
    I believe that countries who can afford to help in humanitarian crisis like these and don't should be penalized in some way, but the fact is they won't be. We in the west tend to turn a blind eye to such things in return for cheaper trade or other harder to come by commodities. And we are in some cases willing to sacrifice the human rights of a few to further our own agendas and causes. So when things like this happen we cannot really expect those who abuse to suddenly care.
    In summary though if you can help do. Donate money or support to governments who are trying to help those who are not in a position to help themselves. And take care inform your kids (without terrifying them) of this sickness but try not to spread false information or rumours. And try not to let it colour your view of people from different countries. In the end we all have to live on this world together.
    And as the Irish would say
    "May those who love us love us.
    And those that don't love us,
    May God turn their hearts.
    And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
    May he turn their ankles,
    So we'll know them by their limping".
    Take care out there my KAW family :) may The Lord bless us all no matter how simple or small. Buns.
  18. Hydra that's it, they say Ebola is a germ that lives in fruit bats and it only appears in pandemic form when it's eating by humans. It's been around for thousands of years but this is the worst ever outbreak. It sure won't be the last as long as these people in Africa continue to starve. Just like the first ever case of HIV, it was past from primates to human all because they where eating monkey meat. It's not going to stop and only god knows what other serious viruses hide in these animals
  19. I blame Obama. .. trying to give us Ebola so he can get our guns!
  20. how is that even relevant