Has anybody that has had a drop noticed that they had a failed action recorded in the eb battle log? I agree that the drops are random but it could be possible to increase your chances. From all that I have read it's all about successful and efficient actions, meaning if you log failed actions you could be decreasing your chances or possible taking your chances right away! I have did a little research in this but haven't full explored as it's pretty time consuming to record all the failed action and see if one of those players gets a drop, and it has to be done during the eb since the battle log is gone when the eb is complete!!! On that, any ideas on how to increase the amount of recorded actions on the battle log, not all actions are recorded but fails seem to be recorded more often! I have only had 8 actions recorded at most during a full unload of troops and spy's on ToC... Any ideas?
Based on my observations generally the more you are active the better the odds of getting an item. that's it - what I do is to enjoy the game ... btw some of these items are not carrying huge value - if a helmet gives you 500k combined stats you may ask yourself - why not do 2 more haunt and buy allies with 500k stats - even if you are not very successful buyer - you WILL get 500k stats for less than 20bn - and that is guaranteed with 1 haunt day
Do what i did on origins, full unload when i went to bed, woke up and manage to full unload at the end of the eb (only 2 full unloads)... i was the only one to get the helmet lolz... totally random .... or maybe random does not like you, then you will never get items, feel sad for you guys that random always avoids.