EB Fairy Mode [ON]OFF

Discussion in 'Wars' started by NotTom, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. You can still enjoy warring… just get a real build instead of taking the inexpensive way out...
  2. So many sh haters, maybe we are just dedicated warriors, we sacrifice our build for this, this is what we want, i dont think its exploit build , we war good than any other build, just accept it, theres so many high stats cant war because they are inactive or just dunno how to war, dont blame our build, mind your own build
  3. she hit 404 posts. Post not found
  4. I blame you because you never war together with me after i upgrade 
  5. Lol brotherking, looking forward bro
  6. When I was a SH my bfa cost more than your build... So yeah get your facts straight :)