EB ads on WC

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Codeine, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Hahaha..

    Codeine I haven't heard that metaphor in ages. Makes me lol every time I picture it..
  2. You are trying to be cool, and you look really stupid while trying to. I love farming, and that's what I do, but you don't understand WC. And obviously you have never owned a clan. It is impossible to recruit and get help on EB's without WC. So what you want is a WC spammed with convo's instead of ads? Either way WC will be spammed. There are simply too many players.

    I haven't played GaW in 8-12 months, but when I played WC was easy to get a conversation and still were ads. The reason why is because there are (or were) not as many players. So really I don't see your point :lol:
  3. You mad bro?
  4. Blaze it's still like that I can c sometimes what someone said 30mins ago on gaw
    It's like that because people on iPhone can only play atm
  5. Lol blaze  grow some before you talk smack ok or grow a set  and talk smack with ur main 
  6. Well what is your idea of farming people who post ads?In fine with farming, I love to do it...
  7. Why do numbers on a screen matter what I can say?
  8. Because you are trying to talk smack knowing full well I can't hit you. Kind of  IMO
  9. Without the eb ads? What do u want wc to be?
  10. lol this thread started off so well:)
  11. Like the name implies.. World chat maybe?
  12. ╔╗╔╗╔╦╗╔╗╔╗ ╔║╔╗╔╗╔║ ║╚╚╝╝╩╚╚╩╝╚ ╝╚╠╣╝╚╚

    Currently not doing this one, and not really accepting guests anyway.
  13. Currently not running.....


    But uhm...we do Ebs and stuff.
  14. Ooh fancy  wise asses 
  15. Only thing I know how to farm is this skeleton with daddy issues.
  16. I dont support it. But ill support an extra chat log one only used for ads. Saying you will farm every ad is just a noob thing to say why not just make a solution then add more problems. Till then clans need to grow and be successful if it wasn't for wc ads not even your clan would of succeeded.
  17. Wonder if codeine hit that sicnoc above? N if you think u got your build without doing a EB and posting at least one ad in your kaw history your kidding yourself, stop being a hypocrite! If you wan t to farm people for the sake of farming join, Farmfest if it isn't over already
  18. Even as a moderator I was in favor of a seperate "ads" chat.
    Farming is cool too, but it won't put a complete stop to ad posting in wc.