EB ads on WC

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Codeine, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Cody I unloaded a full bar on over 10 different ads..so many lol 
  2.  NG  
    3mil csArmageddon
  3. I didn't fail on you, and I'm under 20% spies... Get some pots lol
  4. Farming isn't goingbto stop Ads.

    Just FYI. :roll:
  5. No it's not. It also won't cure cancer. But it's fun. So shut up 
  6.  NG  
    3mil csArmageddon
  7. Lmao worst hansel ever vader... Only two failed steals? Disappointing haha...
  8. Called low spy's plus ur like 2x cs then me hmmmm
  9. Than* and as I stated I was under 20% spies and got through 3 times easily... Don't make up excuses cause you suck lol
  10. Buy pots u might need them
  11.  
     ПΣЩ GЯӨЩTΉ 
     7 MIL CS 
  12. Haha you think you can burn 10k of every sdp I have by yourself? (No offense meant ZAFT Great War ) but ZAFT couldn't burn all of them, and you think you can? 
  13. Lmao I like it 
  14. Did you have fun unloading before having the courage to post that ad? Lmao 
  15. Fonz your forum post stats WC ADDS GET HITS SO why are u hitting me 
  16. Because your being a smart ass?  why don't you xtal to farm me? Will be fun  oh look, now I'm being a smart ass lol
  17. Lol no need to use me I like to be invisible 
  18. Support.

    This makes the game more interesting for sure. You place wc ads not because you need help finishing an EB (ok some do) but because you want gold faster. If you place an ad and someone decides to attack you then as a clan you can collectively gangbang the attackers and still finish the EB. Adds some zing. More gold more fighting. Win win.

    I like it.
  19. If you like that then you'll like what's coming :)

    *Just to clarify, 'what's coming' is a thread very similiar to this one, but with a little twist ;)