EB ads on WC

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Codeine, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Is what you meant
  2. And yes CG did this same type of thing a while back. Hopefully I can convince her to join in the fun once again. Farm the wc spammersTell em codeine sent ya
  3. Of course you get to have some fun code
  4. Op is looking for attention lol
  5. I support this. Unfortunately what this will lead to is stat less Alts doing the posting on wc. Lol. U can never stop the spam. Just ask spamhaus
  6. Meh it would be a alright idea if I could deal hits that fast.
  7. @OP,

    By 3 hits you must mean 3 full bars?

    I take it was a little typo

  8. Yeah vtol who doesn't like attention right? and piggy you don't have to hit every single one lol just pick em off randomly if everyone did this I bet wc would slow down enough that we could actually chat with each other 
  9. Has been done before. Ads still come. But either way support.
  10. CG was doing this about 2 hrs ago
  11. :D Whats wrong with posting ebs thread? Guess someone is trying to bully the weaker ones. For those who are being targetted, just fight back with your clan. This is a WAR game.. Don't need give a S.H.I.T about such crap :lol:
  12. Wc roulette works better ;)
  13. Correction: EB ads

  14. @NIHA

    What's a War?

  15. 100% Support this.

    I'm in the process of writing a thread which I'm sure you'll like. It's sort of a similiar idea to this one, with a little more structure. :)
  16. Nihoama cutie pie  the purpose is not to bully any one lol. The purpose is to discourage people from posting these ridiculous ads over and over again. Thus freeing up wc for actual chat. It is called world chat after all.  And who knows? Maybe bring a little war into kingdoms at war 
  17. B2B haunts at Black Hand, don't apply or you get farmed 
  18. Why just three times? 
  19. I'm a bit confuser on the post..
    If its people who send even 1 ad gets this?
    Or people who spam ads?
    If 1 ad, I don't support
    If more ads, I support