Easy EE Fix?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -__TyroneSparklepants__-, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Just because u ee doesnt make u a big xstal user lol
  2. Say u war only 5x out of 16 wars a week. Each of those wars you use an xtal. To keep it at minimum lets just say they're all 1hr wars. So for you and 24 others in your clan to war, thts 125 xtals a week. Now thts just 1 clan. So far in s3 20-40 clans participate each war. So lets say 10 get a nm and 30 are left. 30ยท125=3750 xtals used MINIMUM a week. EB fairies def dont use as much as EE'ers so rethink ur previous statement :roll:
  3. Just because u ee doesnt make u a big xstal user lol
  4. Says the EB fairy :roll: respect for being big but you have no idea what your talking about
  5. And u think i dont war stupid
  6. Idea number 1 is awesome ๎€Ž I also really like the idea of reaching a certain CS to be able to EE. Like 8mil.
  7. :lol: ik you do but ee kinda REQUIRES you to have xtals all the time
  8. That's some nice BFE you got going there Fonz ๎–๎€Ž
  9. Pretty sure changing the build payout system just for EE is not that easy, otherwise they would have done it already.

    I dropped build because it was too hard to find decent clans to war with as a mid, if you had to meet an internal hit ratio clans would have to war with a range of builds not 15 GH/SH.

    Would not eliminate GH but would just mean they would not be so prominent if you could only fit 4-6 of them in a 25 man roster.

    And Mids would become a big part of war again which is really the main issue here surely.
  10. Good luck all u mids wanting a fair fight gh and lb for u
  11. How would LB/GH be a problem if no-one could stack a roster with them, it's not like clans want to be doing that it's just the only way to compete
  12. Guess im just upset look at last war at rejected warri0rs tell how fair that is i was #4 in roster couldnt hit top 9
  13. Xtal usage will be far higher if there are twice as many clans warring. Biggest issue to me is going back up to 25 rosters with no small wars. Small wars were great for new clans, far more likely to match another new clan, far easier to develop rosters and set tictacs. I like idea 1 not sure on 2.
  14. Scouting would burn more pots but in the same instance create more fails which would equal less scouts being performed. Still would burn them but for a 1 hour EE war I would be willing to pay some extra cash on pots to make scouting less prominent.
  15. This makes even more sense to those not wanting to burn pots. Just eliminate pots from the scout action. *thumbs up*
  16. If you made #1 be open to hits from #25 on the same clan there would be no way a GH to be paired with a LB. It solves the whole issue of stacking and brings mids into the mix for many clans.