Lol nice burn der sage bt cheese I think he just answered ur question email is enough no one want to give there address or phone number to un safe survey site.
I'm down to get some dirty nobs. Not like they are using ads or anything but giving people an alternative way to get nobility points. I literally see no drawback. They're trying to help the players who spend little to no money on the game.
@eliteassassin No, he didn't. He's complaining about sharing personal info in exchange for a company getting paid. This is exactly what Facebook does, so if he complains about it here, then he should stand by his opinion and delete his Facebook account, too.
That's the thing isn't it? It tells you that they only need your email and you get nobs, then after you input your email, it asks you for your info, this isn't free, this hurts the kaw community not help people get free nobs
How does it hurt anyone? Please give us one concrete example of even the slightest harm that has actually come from participating in this free service.
Endless surveys which information has been used where it could be sold or taken from the said survey, it's just no safe, if you have got free nobs without doing the endless surveys, please enlighten us on how you do it, I can assure you that a lot of people would like free nobs, myself included
"Could be stolen." Anything "could be stolen." I could lose my job. The earth "could" get hit by an asteroid, ending life as we know it. Could. I said give us one concrete example of how harm has actually been done as a result of participating in this free service.
1st Facebook doesn't freely share ur information they need permission from user to do that in they ask. 2nd even if he deleted his Facebook if he has one in told u he did how would u know?? Lol ur argument in solution isnt sounded. Plus i think u just trolling anyway.
ok cheese gave us ur email address phone number in credit card info right now? Shouldn't be a problem u just give it away anyway to untrusted sites right whats da harm in that we waiting for ur information.
I thinking sage is right maybe ill chip in & get u a dress in high heels in since u off to the devs. Lol #pimps
There's my point, it HAS happened, your just too thick to see the truth. Your asking for concrete evidence, I have given my evidence, and if you need more just type in google how many peoples info was stolen/sold from taking surveys
@sith, I'm asking about THIS free service. People's info has been stolen from banks and governments. Does that mean you're gonna go live in the jungle?
Oh so if there going to take it anyway mite as well make it easier for them ok i see your way of thinking now makes since. Lmao
How is this free service making it easier? Have you researched these companies to find out whether their IT security is sub-standard? Are you an IT security consultant?