Exactly. 'All of which were ways to receive free nobility'. This IS a way to receive free nobility. People are constantly asking for ways to get free stuff through daily login rewards and referrals and extra quests. KaW has listened to the players asking for free things. It's just that they haven't implemented it in the way players wanted or expected. :lol: They never listen to ideas completely. Just partially. But the basis of the idea, free nobility, has come from players asking for it. Not saying I agree with their implementation, just my two cents worth
Everyone keeps acting like calling those children's, who mistakenly click "phishy" offers, parents bad parents will fix the issue. Just because a kid uses the offers as a way for gains and may screw up doesn't make someone a bad parent. It means they trusted a game they have played and didn't understand the dangers at hand. It doesn't make someone a bad parent because they haven't told their child "don't click misleading offers". I doubt anyone learned that in parenting class LOL. When I have children of my own, I will be telling them to watch out for predators (and there are a ton on kaw its disgusting). Excuse me if that is on my mind before telling them "watch out for greedy app corporations giving free items for info." LOL SUCH BAD PARENTING Those children should be taken into DCF. /endsarcasm
If you're on droid, go the settings in app and disable "other notifications". If you want to turn off notifications completely, go application manager and turn it off there. Similar for Apple too!
Look at the sample screenshot provided by kaw_community. William Hill Bingo. Even the sample is not good for using in an app suitable for 9 and up. Now children don't think of Bingo as making money or gambling. They only think of it as an innocent game. If they clicked on it then their perception of bingo changes as a game where u can make money. As kaw used to be an app that a kid could play with no money the free nobs are too easy and tempt kids too easily especially when they have no money. Some kids have probably asked their parents to buy a seal etc and they have said no. What do you think some kids will do now withe the ads.
Exactly. It's not bad parenting. A child clicking on something for free nobs and ending up signing up to a random website doesn't automatically make you a bad parent. Kids don't always understand. They see that they can get free nobs and focus on that.
Aint even mad EDIT: Idk why people even are complaining that much. Let's take the iphone contest for example. For €1 you can get 187 nobs, what is usually like €18. Seems like a good deal to me
Don't ask me, ask the people who rated gambling 18 plus and banned it from being advertised on children's television.
I honestly don't see this working. Gave it a shot to see how it works.....well it didn't lol. I tried one stating personal info only (what was I thinking prepare my spam folder lol) It requested personal info ok cool, then a survey from hell page after page, then redirect after redirect. Well I finished it after 15 minutes and guess what? No blockers are on and didn't get my 20 nobs off the nfl jersey sweepstakes They can keep the jersey lol I just wanted my 20 nobs lol not to mention some of them ads request purchases why purchase for free nobs? We would rather spend on nobs then Good try but I don't see this really being beneficial, just my 1 cent of opinion
^Don't try the personal information ones. I've done like 5 of them as Mrs Rodriquez Lomboski and I've yet to receive anything :/
Omg I now understand why people say they nearly peed themselves laughing at the arrogance.
This was amusing. I'm just going to sit back now and actually see what people think of the offers and how they actually pan out, plus of course try myself before I jump on a band wagon slating the devs for a move that's intention is to help players without throwing things in our faces. I'm also going to say as a parent shocker here. I monitor all my children's limited Internet usage ( and even lego apps have pop up redirect adverts that need to be closed from full screen ). With a child's device. Use pre pay too up cards when needed and you don't ever need to enter bank card details. They should have unique passwords and pins that your child doesn't know. It's not hard for a responsible parent to limit activity and monitor their child's usage. Those who are getting huge bills are usually irresponsible in my opinion. The only idea that has made any sense is for google or apple to put restrictions upon what can be advertised on certain age ratings. Even then parents should parent. It's what you signed up for when you had a child. And I'm pretty sure that sending a 9 year old to play at the park after dark is more dangerous these days. Is that the internets fault as well. Or the irresponsible parent? Common sense please.
I totally agree Chaos that children should be monitored online and that account information shouldn't be common knowledge for a child (I know I've heard in the past of children racking up thousands of dollars in in app purchasing cause they knew their parents log in information). We need to educate children to be more safe online. I don't disagree that letting your child having free reign with wifi and the Internet is a good thing. Really what I don't understand is how encouraging gambling on 9 plus game is suitable in anyway. Even if the child is taught to be safe online and to not enter any personal details etc. It still seems a violation of the age requirement currently in place.