Are you being serious right now? It's your fault your son decided to put YOUR phone number in a SKETCHY offer which gives you 90 nobility? Yep it's totally my fault that I decided my son should know my phone number in case of an emergency? You must be disabled. ️️️
I think you might be misunderstanding the business arrangement. ATA doesn't care what you do after you click on the ad. In fact, they have no control over what happens after you click, as explained in the OP.
Booooooriiiiinnnngggggg Omg is no one but cheese allowed an opinion any more. Who the hell are you to tell everyone else how to protect our children? Games and adverts are too dangerous. You're all sheep because what I say is far more important. I have no kids. I have guns and think guns answer all problems. If I posted some ss of your prior comments you would go crying to the very devs you are now bashing again. Just shut up and let others judge for themselves. Your whining is killing forums these days. If rather use a cheese grater on my eyes than read another of your posts telling people what they must think because you think we are too stupid to think for ourselves.
Yes, it's your fault that you gave your kid an internet connected device with the ability to access these kinds of features without educating him on how to use it responsibly. You have completely failed as a parent if this happens to you.
I'm not misunderstanding anything, thanks. I'm aware KaW can't control what happens AFTER you click on the app. However, they can help prevent encouraging gambling (at least on their app) by not showing such offers in the first place. Or reminding whatever third party they're going through that this is an 9 game.
You can educate your children as much as you want, that doesn't mean they won't go behind your back anyway. Kids will inevitably do things they're not supposed to no matter how well you think you've educated them. That doesn't mean you've failed as a parent. So instead of presenting children with the opportunity to enter into something they don't understand, why not remove such offers from the game entirely.
@Ruggy That would require placing a lot of faith in 1: ATA and 2: An Internet connected device, capable of viewing any evil pictures and content on the web. If I was a parent, and I was THAT concerned about my kid's virgin eyes and ears, they wouldn't be allowed to access the Internet in the first place.
True story, my kid got addicted to gambling after seeing an advertisement for it here. Since I don't parent well and I'm barely around, he was able to use my credit card without my knowledge to further his gambling habit. Also due to bad parenting skills I don't keep track of what he does on the Internet, he's allowed free reign over the WiFi at home. I haven't had the talk with him explaining how the internet can be bad place, I've let him figure it out on his own. He's 9. Should I blame ATA for this? Maybe they can discipline my kid. :roll: See how foolish this sounds? I cannot hold ATA responsible for 3rd party links on their app because they have no liability when it comes *3rd party links*! This is what Supercell tells parents. Most apps have similar stances on this, they cannot be held responsible for content they do not produce or moderate. Would a toggle option to hide the links/button that is password protected be nice? Yes! I don't expect an app to help me parent effectively, but nothing wrong with a set of parental controls and filters to control content exposure, since ATA is allowing 3rd party links in app.
I'm not sure about others, but I know my point isn't that seeing an advertisement about gambling will definitely lead to them gambling. Neither was it about blaming ATA or expecting them to take full responsibility about what happens when you provide your personal details. Tbh, most arguments I saw didn't present these things, at all. The discussion is about whether encouraging betting on a 9+ is APPROPRIATE and about whether it complies with ATAs age requirement. I don't believe it is appropriate for a 9+ game, whether you've raised your child 'right' or not. I don't see the need for an offer to encourage betting/gambling etc. and be rewarded for it. ATA may not be responsible for what happens when someone decides to click on a link, but they can prevent there from being that option in the first place. Kids will inevitably do things they are not supposed to.
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Hahaha, you people are assholes This is another reason why I will never put money into this game again. There's no way in hell I'll try any of those offers for free nobs. Not worth the hassle. Is it too much to ask that you improve current features already in game to enhance gameplay? Can you finally remove that damn banner for the battle cry on the EB page and only have that option in the marketplace? Can you add more features to the clan system that people have been requesting for years now? Will you finally give all platforms of the game the same features such as a viewable block list on android and viewable scouted lands for iDevice? Improve the gameplay and more people may be willing to spend on this piece of crap game.
Agreed, LMABAO. I know this isn't intrusive and we by no means have to participate. I understand they're trying to offer the players way to get free things. However, I don't really trust the offers tbh. And I'd much rather they dedicate some time to improve some features in the game already.
Like battle mechs? I like that I have more fails against 10m sdt using pots, mith and them having no pots then when they are fully potted (mith sometimes as well) and I go in dry. And no it's not an anomaly. This is a consistent occurance and I've done many tests as those of you who know me know I'm generally always hitting people. But yeah. Nothing to see here. *moonface*
I've legit gone through countless threads in the idea + update forums and never saw this as a request for nobility. I did see:daily log in rewards, return of referal codes, quest revamp, & clan loyalty rewards. All of which were ways to receive free nobility.
I honestly can't understand these morons saying this is bad for there kids. As a father of 3 it's my job to regulate what they do on apps n over the net not ata's....however I do understand there are some morons out there who don't know how to advice is to wrap it up in future
While we are complaining.... please DEVS ...I have no need to know every single damn time that my CA updates I'm sick to death of getting all the notifications about what's going on in my CA...seriously what were you guys thinking