Interestingly enough, you are right. LOADS of people don't follow that rules, so LOADS of people will volly transfer gold with their alt. Thus - abuse. Your purposed methood allows instand non earned gold to be given out immediatly with the user to chose how to spend it. That includes transfering gold. On top of that, you will just eventually raise the minimum cost to keep an ally from 1b to several bil, depending on how much is given. They are trying to solve the problem, not delay the problem. It doesnt fix anything
People are going to take time to repeatedly volley transfer a few billion? Do you realize how slow volleying is at low costs? And the money does not necessarily have to be for buying allies. However, if players get gold from something other than being volleyed, the need for volleying will be decreased. Therefore less new players will be volleyed, they will remain cheaper, and therefore can be bought by other new players.
I have had this issue. I've been playing somewhere between 3 and 4years... When I made newest accounts I've encountered this issue Easy solution hte find a clan that does ffa hte noobs hit pots and hire a 2b ally and spend rest on going GH... 20lvl3 guilds can get u enough enough spy stats to unload ass on hte and haunt Once u do this begin saving 13.5b and put down Coe lvl 3 continue till u have 24CoE lvl3s
I have had this issue. I've been playing somewhere between 3 and 4years... When I made newest accounts I've encountered this issue Easy solution hte find a clan that does ffa hte noobs hit pots and hire a 2b ally and spend rest on going GH... 20lvl3 guilds can get u enough enough spy stats to unload ass on hte and haunt Once u do this begin saving 13.5b and put down Coe lvl 3 continue till u have 24CoE lvl3s
I am very familiar with how long volly transfers take. There will still be players that will abuse the system. Also, the biggest reason new players get vollied at the start isnt to give new players gold, but to make quick profit by getting the new player sold. What originally started this problem was the ability to make quick and easy gold, and the need to transfer it. I can set up two computers and make a decent amount of gold in the hour it takes to regenerate my troops by volly transferring with new accounts using the 3 bil
That is a good point about people still being volleyed so the volleyers can make gold. I still don't believe the abuse is too severe, however. But maybe if devs could actually enforce real rules rather than focusing on silencing people in WC we wouldn't have that issue. Something more needs to be implemented so new players can catch up. Not just with buying allies but also building.
What they need to do is adapt the tutorial... Kaw is no longer that simple... New players need to learn about item ebs like hte and normal haunts ASAP... I know I'm supporting hte right now but it's really only way to fix problem is tell noobs how to get quick gold without allies so they can get allies But u cannot give them advantages like they start with 25b or 2x plunder for a week because more than likely it will just be taken advantage of by current players. Best way to do it is take a strategy current players use to make gold and make it known to new players. Make a video of the hte pot bar labeling when pots start what pots to use and how much a seal cost ect This way they know to look to ask for volley, invest in a few lands put forges and or guilds down, find hte or normal haunt buy seals of deflection, hit hte or regular haunt at the correct time with pots... That's what they need to know... Since it's hard to verbally explain when to hit pots to noobs... They often have no clue to hit the percent bar at the top or they miss it So they have no growth they stop playing delete app and devs lose a potential player.
Thats saying that people have the money for seals. This app is 9+, so yeah. Plus, don't say that they can just join HTE clans, because they are usually you need a seal, to stay.
I mean just look at Value LB for gods sake! I shouldn't be talking in my position. But I'm active at the very least :roll:
Nope but find a home clan that does hte and it's not u need a seal...the goal is so that noobs know what to do during hte... That's why I mentioned regular haunts as well
Also app used to be 17 I'm i remember correctly look at age of most of the players I can't give out the ages of my friends but most I meet are between 16-70 most between 20-40just saying
Still doesnt matter. Not everybody wants to spend cash on a phone game. No need to act like i'm an idiot
Still misses point of my above post that they don't need to drop their own seals... Where is the eye roll emoji when I need it
Support. And for such an important stage if the game (beginning were players decide to stay or not) is the longest most painful until you can actually keep an ally