I feel that if NA doesn't get incredibly better for worlds and msi this year then there's no way that they're ever going to be contenders for worlds. However having said that a lot of big EU players are coming to NA and will hopefully force a lot of NA players to get better to improve the region as a whole. I myself am an EUW player but the NA lcs looks a lot more interesting than EUW this upcoming season.
Been watching CoD: BO3 streams since I got the game. No idea what any teams are, besides the masters of overhype, FaZe.
Someone who knows what he is talking about, nice to have a decent convo with someone on forums rarely ever happens
All these LoL noobs, when DotA 2 is where the real money is at. Plus the announcers are actually understandable and can articulate sentences.
League of leggos with TSM Liftlift and C9 Sneaky. I like to watch liftlift cause I play ADC in plat5.
Well technically dota2 has a bigger commnunity because it started as a mod on Warcraft3 before it became Dota2. So that argument is invalid.
Man people still play LOL on here? I played in S2. Came back with a new account for S5 and just got up to lv 30. Now I'm kinda not playing anymore.