Dumb things you do while under the influence.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rikkimaru, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    I've done similar, except it was a closet not the fridge.
  2. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    Slept with a x's (girlfriend at the time) friend that was visiting.

    Fell down a flight of stairs on St. Patrick's day

    Got in a fight

    Joined a different fight where some dude was outnumbered 7 to 1. Faught them off the guy until the cops came. Wasn't arrested cause I saved his life.

    Jumped on stage at a MGK concert

    Turned my car on in my own driveway and was "pulled over". Was questioned, handed the cop my ID and said this is my house. Then turned around and went inside.

    Played kaw -- bought nobs -- etc.

    Blacked out hard downtown and left my group of friends only to find myself giving a cop my phone with my parents on the other end. Luckily the cop let me go with no charges.

    Drove through my front lawn

    Bought everyone at the bar a shot on numerous occasions

    Lost $1,200 bucks playing blackjack

    The list goes on and on. I've also done a lot of really awesome things while smashed though. Lots of sexy women, fun adventurous things, banged in public places. The works. Always living life to the fullest.
  3. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    You should probably quick drinking lmao. You can't handle it
  4. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    Got drunk at a new year party at hostel..set fire to the nearby shrub..fire spread..took 3 units of fire fighters to put out the fire...
  5. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    No... Just a lung infection :/
  6. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    It just goes to show ya, don't abuse alcohol, because...

  7. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    Off my thread with that garbage.
  8. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    It wasn't alcohol for me it was the good grass for me heh... I whacked it for a solid 16 hours not even noticing nothing was happening after the first 15 minutes... yeaahhh huge rash...

    Another time similar circumstances I texted this girl such terrible abusive things she still won't talk to me... She isn't even that hot
  9. Many moons ago when a punk ass dude like most when young 2 friends n we left the car at the 1st bar n cabbed to the 2nd bar so we would not drink n drive.

    We closed the bar down n all 3 of us were hammered n went outside to get the car n drive home. 1 of us said the car was in the back another said out front n the last of us said it was parked to the side of the bar. So all 3 of us went where we said the car was after each of us argued we were right. We all came back to where we started with no luck n started arguing all over again. We all 3 went n looked a 2nd time with same results. Arguing started up again n got very heated. When almost a 3-way fight broke out 1 of us remembered we left the car at the 1st bar. We called a cab n went home.
  10. Another time a buddy took his motorcycle across the city to visit his hotty. Later on After droppin her at home he went back to pub for more wobbly pops n shoot pool. On the way home he dumped his ride on a small patch of black ice. Bein a smoker i guess he likes his matches in his ass pocket. Well he lit his ass on fire n burnt off his pocket on his jeans.
  11. Another time with 2 diff buds we downed 64oz of Tequila in under 1hr at our home. 1 bud passed out about 15mins later n i was stupified somethin silly staring at Aussie Rules Football for the 1st time. Idk how long went by but it dawned on me 1 of us was missing. Got up real slow i tellya n went a lookin for him. 1st place i looked was the kitchen n there he was standing at the sink staring out the window. I asked him what r u staring at? He said the moon so i looked n it was big n bright fine. Asked him when he started staring at it n he said when we emptied the bottle of Tequila. I looked at the stove clock n figured out that was 1.5hrs ago.
  12. Re: Dumb things you do while drinking

    Lol I kind of have. I only drink on occassion now. The majority of that happened as a result of being a student at the number 1 party school in the nation.

    ... Plus I felt I should stop or slow down with my drinking since I have a few alcoholics in my family.
  13. Smashed my DUFF
  14. Got completely smashed on vodka & blue moutian dew. (Great combination IMO) slept at baby mommas house. Woke up at 5 am went to pee, went back to bed. Apparently 30 mminutes later woke up and wizzed all over her hard wood floor. (Took 5 towels to clean it up according to her) Also my 2 year old daughter was conceived on vodka/blue moutian dew
  15. It's called Voltage you uncultured turd.
  16. Mountain Dew Voltage
    A deep blue-colored, raspberry-citrus-flavored Mountain Dew with ginseng. A part of the first DEWmocracy promotion, it was released in stores on 19 May 2008 as a limited edition flavor so that people could taste test which flavor they like best before voting. Voltage was announced the winner with 42% of all votes on 17 August 2008. It was released as a permanent flavor on 29 December 2008.
  17. :lol:
  18. I had about a glass of very strong vodka and was on skype and I somehow ended up with my shirt off. Then my bra strap broke.

    Luckily, it was one of my female friends on skype and I put the phone down (away from me) and stupidly sewed the strap to my bra and continued to talk to her. Yet, I still remained with my shirt off the rest of the night (not letting the camera below my shoulders).

    It was pretty funny when she recounted the story to me.

  19. Walked into a bar once during gang initiation and shot it up. Pranked everyone in there so hard.