Drop My Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Valkyrie-XV, May 19, 2013.

  1. Drop all your towers. Season finish in a week anyway. SOS lowlands and guilds in high. It's what I have. 14 guilds, 22 level 3 SOS, 2 level 3 COE.
  2. And then you got to build SOS again. Go ahead but in my opinion it pretty stupid and noobish.
  3. I'm keeping my volaries now, too much gold put into them, to only get a small percentage back
  4. All I'm thinking is, if I drop my SOS ill lose the stats but I'll be able to get the volaries upgraded quicker
  5. Guild hansel is the most fun imo.
  6. Not wooorrtthhh iiitttt... Level 1 Volary is better plunder then guilds level 4 by like 50k I think. Just slowly upgrade...
    Although now thinking about it, your idea isn't ****. Just do what you want we don't matter. You should be asking yourself. I regretted changing my 7.8 m cs attack build to a guild Handel, but now my build is so fun and I'm only getting stronger. So yeah.
  7. I know how you feel I just got through that period. Don't drop keep going
  8. I've dropped all my SOS and put up level 4 guilds. My plunder increase will help me get all those volaires to level 2/3, and once I've got 4 highland t5 spy defences towers and 21x volary level 3, I'll put up SOS again on lowlands, or even volaires if t5 gets released to lowlands.
  9. It IS going to take longer though.
  10. Nah it won't. Guilds earn more plunder than SOS. And I'll be putting up t5 in lowlands one by one once the devs release t5 for lowlands.
  11. But rebuilding SOS is costly. I'm just saying. Your choice anyway. But the way you decided this seems very narrow minded to me
  12. How to make lots if gold:

    1. Click Profile

    2. Scroll ALL the way down.

    4. Click 'Reset'

    5. Click Yes.

    6. Enjoy
  13. Guilded hancel have a lower pay than SOS
    The only reason people say they are better cos
  14. They cant afford a lvl 3 SOS and make everyone else try to come to there size cos the stats are so bad
  15. I thought assassination plunder from SOS was greater in comparison to Guild level 4... Especially whilst skimming. SOS, when 2/3 of your buildings increase your plunder. Also it allows other EBs since you want Vols. Haunting spamming is boring as hell.
  16. SOS don't pay as well as guilds unless you compare hlbc SOS hansel vs a hlbc guild hansel.
  17. @Dragonite, what happened to number 3?
  18. SOS are the equivalent of CF, it sacrafices plunder from allies for plunder from build. However if you can be active enough as a guild hansel even in a haunt you can get as much as 6b on average without xtalling. But that all depends on activity and if you have no plans on getting to the allie LB once HLBC sos make more sense anyway.
  19. Once you finish the SOS in your lowlands the pay is much better.