Drinking and when to stop

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by theKimber, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. I know when to stop drinking when my lips start getting numb. What about you?
  2. I stop drinking when my wife gets pretty. It takes awhile.
    Edit; or when I feel like I can drive even though I cannot. You know? The feeling where you can jump off a building and survive. The you're so drunk, you're sober feeling.
  3. When i'm looking for my phone while it's in my hand
  4. When my friend thats supposed to be dd is wrecked and his sister takes me he
  5. I stop drinking when tequila starts tasting good, and I start telling everyone I love them.
  6. When I can't lay on the ground without holding on
  7. When my stomach needs to be pumped, my organs start to fail and I succumb to an alcohol poisoning induced coma.
  8. Drink til you no longer care 
  9. Only reason to stop is when you run out
  10. You just won the internet
  11. I stopped drinking when I realized I was an alcoholic
  12. You're my favorite
  13. I'm such a downer lolz
  14. I only drink when i run out of heroine or cocaine

  15. Stop drinking when I start stumbling that's somewhere at about 10-14shots (in an hour) lol

    Liquor of choice Captain Morgan spiced rum
  16. you call that drinking? (captain Morgan)
  17. When there is no more alcohol left
  18. When I reset.
  19. When I pass out? Duh
  20. ...stop? What is stop??? o_O