Dreading Season 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Let's get real already...

    ATA dgaf, they in this for the money, not for creating a kick ass game. They will only change things when their bottom dollar is being messed with.

    Am I the only one seeing this??

    EE - cost real money
    Eb - cost real money

    If you ain't spending, you ain't playing kaw, at least not competitively. This is a whole new age in KaW. Pay up suckas
  2. That's the problem prophet. People spend RL money to grow and get big only to have some scrub GH that's a day old beat you in war. Its bs and everyone knows it. People put a lot of time and money into builds and clans and relationships with friends they have met here. There is no clan unity people only want to win at all cost. So they manipulate the system to their favor. Is it right no but those that choose to play fair shouldn't be punished by getting horrible match ups time and time again.
  3. EE warring is crap as.
    Just don't do it?
  4. I agree with op here. Today while i was at 100% troops i was att 6/6 by an acct whos total cs didnt even add up to my adt alone. I hit back for 1.5m. Problem in this match was when i att higher i failed. At 18m cs and decent bfe, thousands of rl $$, and the crazy plunder loss from towers, i am mearly a tasty treat for those above me and now below me. This is a genuine problem with the new mechs.
    We r a close clan of friends who over a long period have assembled a decent roster of war builds, and now unless our clan mates drop trillions in builds, or we recruit outside help (thus forcing us to reject our own for wars) we will become redundant as a war clan. devs r forcing us to decide between loyalty, and the possibility of winning. Idk hate on me, whatever. My rant is over, as is my involvment in ee.
  5. Completely agree, it's getting mind numbingly boring facing the same rosters over and over and over again. A lot of clans may try a war, to see how they do, after getting pounded and facing these bigs/GH rosters they just stop, lose interest. I've been in wars where I've had next to no success on even the smallest attk build in the stacked line up, and cut to ribbons by tiny builds I can't make plunder on. It's dull, it's infuriating and anything but fun...
  6. I agree with sticky I used to like to war best wars i had were those whether we won or lost were close with no gh/sos1. I have lost interest in that style of war. Many i war with may not war again because of it. The Gh/SOS1 take 10 times as much gold from you as you can get from them is crap. It needs to be fixed. Hell make it every successful attack is worth X amount and scouts worth x amount and so on ko's can be more than it doesnt matter on build size. Also on the reverse side if you fail you lose half of what you might have gained. Screw the people who manipulate the system and if they dont like it GROW/ or QUIT. The people who want to grow and war and do ebs between wars are the majority. And if they want to stay that size at least make it uniform for war.
  7. Devs sort this out....full support for thread
  8. Sorry about the clans.that put together legit teams...devs could probably care less since.it's.not.PvE though :roll:
  9. Sorry OP, but looking at your equipment it is hard to take you seriously that you've experienced much losing in EE.
  10. No support. Change your war strategy or quit.
  11.  Thinks that conforming to the LB/GH/GHT/SH is a good idea.
  12. I like winning.......
  13. Everyone likes to win but it makes it nearly impossible when half the clan you can't hit and the other half you can't make dick for plunder. Some clans don't have the means to stack a clan to get a match they can win every time, and then they get stuck facing LB mixed with GH/GHT/SOS1 where the war is next to impossible. So you agree that the most mith should be givin to the biggest, and the ones who put no effort into there build? What about the mid range? We gotta drop build or nob up to be able to have a fighting chance against ppl who take the easy way and manipulate the system?
  14. It's the system. Adapt or lose. I didn't make it. Didn't even say I like it. We adapted. Several members dropped builds and became GH/GHT. Others towered up and beefed up bfa. We did it because we are a dedicated ee war clan. And we like to win. So does RH, PA, and every other successful ee war clan. Doesn't always work but everyone here seems to know what's needed to win. It's not an exploit. It's the best team to win with and devs made it this way so we are stuck with it.

    But I do know that crying on forums helps no one. Devs are not listening. GH plunder was decreased but here you guys are still complaining. Quit the game if you hate it so much. Sorry but I'm tired of these kinds of threads.
  15. I beat I can make you cry in forums.

    Let's find out.
  16.  ok
  17. Surgeon, just an FYI, your clan owner completely agrees that it's an exploit and that you all had to either follow the exploit or not win.

    Don't come in here with your holy than thou act mate. You're not fooling anyone.

    Figures an lber using gH in war would protest this lol.
  18. Exploit? Well it's legal and part of the game. Exploit implies cheating. Semantics I guess. I never said I liked it. I'm not holier than thou. I said it's needed to win. Plain and simple. My clan owner is smart. He knows what it takes to win.
  19. I said manipulate not exploit, learn to read. Noones crying I still war day in and day out, and I'm pretty sure I made it clear in my very first post that all the devs really need to do is add 100% bfa to each matchup and tighten up how high a build can reach. There is no reason a 1.5m cs should be able to hit me, let alone succeed on me, it's outrageous and it's killing the wars altogether. If people wanna manipulate the system find a way to make sure they match each other and make it closer to fair.
  20. But I gotta bring up one big point. How many of these EE clans can drop what they're doing with their builds and actually survive in an osw?